2025/02/19. USD TO JPY TODAY
Actual USD to JPY exchange rate equal to 151.77 Yens per 1 Dollar. Today’s range: 151.70-152.31. Previous day’s close 152.05. Change for today -0.28, -0.18%.
Dollar to Yen Forecast For 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 155 | 147-156 | 152 | -1.9% |
Mar | 152 | 147-154 | 152 | -1.9% |
Apr | 152 | 148-152 | 150 | -3.2% |
May | 150 | 150-157 | 155 | 0.0% |
Jun | 155 | 151-155 | 153 | -1.3% |
Jul | 153 | 153-160 | 158 | 1.9% |
Aug | 158 | 153-158 | 155 | 0.0% |
Sep | 155 | 149-155 | 151 | -2.6% |
Oct | 151 | 144-151 | 146 | -5.8% |
Nov | 146 | 146-151 | 149 | -3.9% |
Dec | 149 | 147-151 | 149 | -3.9% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 149 | 149-155 | 153 | -1.3% |
Feb | 153 | 152-156 | 154 | -0.6% |
Mar | 154 | 154-159 | 157 | 1.3% |
Apr | 157 | 157-164 | 162 | 4.5% |
May | 162 | 155-162 | 157 | 1.3% |
Jun | 157 | 151-157 | 153 | -1.3% |
Jul | 153 | 153-157 | 155 | 0.0% |
Aug | 155 | 155-161 | 159 | 2.6% |
Sep | 159 | 159-165 | 163 | 5.2% |
Oct | 163 | 159-163 | 161 | 3.9% |
Nov | 161 | 161-168 | 166 | 7.1% |
Dec | 166 | 166-173 | 170 | 9.7% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 170 | 170-177 | 174 | 12.3% |
Feb | 174 | 167-174 | 170 | 9.7% |
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 170 | 170-178 | 175 | 12.9% |
Apr | 175 | 171-177 | 174 | 12.3% |
May | 174 | 166-174 | 169 | 9.0% |
Jun | 169 | 162-169 | 164 | 5.8% |
Jul | 164 | 164-172 | 169 | 9.0% |
Aug | 169 | 169-177 | 174 | 12.3% |
Sep | 174 | 174-182 | 179 | 15.5% |
Oct | 179 | 173-179 | 176 | 13.5% |
Nov | 176 | 176-184 | 181 | 16.8% |
Dec | 181 | 174-181 | 177 | 14.2% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 177 | 177-185 | 182 | 17.4% |
Feb | 182 | 182-190 | 187 | 20.6% |
Mar | 187 | 184-190 | 187 | 20.6% |
Apr | 187 | 184-190 | 187 | 20.6% |
May | 187 | 187-193 | 190 | 22.6% |
Jun | 190 | 186-192 | 189 | 21.9% |
Jul | 189 | 189-197 | 194 | 25.2% |
Aug | 194 | 193-199 | 196 | 26.5% |
Sep | 196 | 194-200 | 197 | 27.1% |
Oct | 197 | 191-197 | 194 | 25.2% |
Nov | 194 | 194-200 | 197 | 27.1% |
Dec | 197 | 194-200 | 197 | 27.1% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 197 | 192-198 | 195 | 25.8% |
Feb | 195 | 195-204 | 201 | 29.7% |
Mar | 201 | 201-207 | 204 | 31.6% |
Dollar to Yen forecast for February 2025.
In the beginning rate at 155 Yens. High exchange rate 156 and low 147. The average for the month 153. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 152, change for February -1.9%.
USD to JPY forecast for March 2025.
In the beginning rate at 152 Yens. High exchange rate 154 and low 147. The average for the month 151. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 152, change for March 0.0%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for April 2025.
In the beginning rate at 152 Yens. High exchange rate 152 and low 148. The average for the month 151. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 150, change for April -1.3%.
USD to JPY forecast for May 2025.
In the beginning rate at 150 Yens. High exchange rate 157 and low 150. The average for the month 153. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 155, change for May 3.3%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for June 2025.
In the beginning rate at 155 Yens. High exchange rate 155 and low 151. The average for the month 154. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 153, change for June -1.3%.
USD to JPY forecast for July 2025.
In the beginning rate at 153 Yens. High exchange rate 160 and low 153. The average for the month 156. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 158, change for July 3.3%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for August 2025.
In the beginning rate at 158 Yens. High exchange rate 158 and low 153. The average for the month 156. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 155, change for August -1.9%.
USD to JPY forecast for September 2025.
In the beginning rate at 155 Yens. High exchange rate 155 and low 149. The average for the month 153. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 151, change for September -2.6%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for October 2025.
In the beginning rate at 151 Yens. High exchange rate 151 and low 144. The average for the month 148. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 146, change for October -3.3%.
USD to JPY forecast for November 2025.
In the beginning rate at 146 Yens. High exchange rate 151 and low 146. The average for the month 148. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 149, change for November 2.1%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for December 2025.
In the beginning rate at 149 Yens. High exchange rate 151 and low 147. The average for the month 149. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 149, change for December 0.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for January 2026.
In the beginning rate at 149 Yens. High exchange rate 155 and low 149. The average for the month 152. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 153, change for January 2.7%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for February 2026.
In the beginning rate at 153 Yens. High exchange rate 156 and low 152. The average for the month 154. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 154, change for February 0.7%.
USD to JPY forecast for March 2026.
In the beginning rate at 154 Yens. High exchange rate 159 and low 154. The average for the month 156. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 157, change for March 1.9%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for April 2026.
In the beginning rate at 157 Yens. High exchange rate 164 and low 157. The average for the month 160. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 162, change for April 3.2%.
USD to JPY forecast for May 2026.
In the beginning rate at 162 Yens. High exchange rate 162 and low 155. The average for the month 159. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 157, change for May -3.1%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for June 2026.
In the beginning rate at 157 Yens. High exchange rate 157 and low 151. The average for the month 155. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 153, change for June -2.5%.
USD to JPY forecast for July 2026.
In the beginning rate at 153 Yens. High exchange rate 157 and low 153. The average for the month 155. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 155, change for July 1.3%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for August 2026.
In the beginning rate at 155 Yens. High exchange rate 161 and low 155. The average for the month 158. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 159, change for August 2.6%.
USD to JPY forecast for September 2026.
In the beginning rate at 159 Yens. High exchange rate 165 and low 159. The average for the month 162. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 163, change for September 2.5%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for October 2026.
In the beginning rate at 163 Yens. High exchange rate 163 and low 159. The average for the month 162. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 161, change for October -1.2%.
USD to JPY forecast for November 2026.
In the beginning rate at 161 Yens. High exchange rate 168 and low 161. The average for the month 164. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 166, change for November 3.1%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for December 2026.
In the beginning rate at 166 Yens. High exchange rate 173 and low 166. The average for the month 169. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 170, change for December 2.4%.
USD to JPY forecast for January 2027.
In the beginning rate at 170 Yens. High exchange rate 177 and low 170. The average for the month 173. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 174, change for January 2.4%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for February 2027.
In the beginning rate at 174 Yens. High exchange rate 174 and low 167. The average for the month 171. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 170, change for February -2.3%.
USD to JPY forecast for March 2027.
In the beginning rate at 170 Yens. High exchange rate 178 and low 170. The average for the month 173. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 175, change for March 2.9%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for April 2027.
In the beginning rate at 175 Yens. High exchange rate 177 and low 171. The average for the month 174. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 174, change for April -0.6%.
USD to JPY forecast for May 2027.
In the beginning rate at 174 Yens. High exchange rate 174 and low 166. The average for the month 171. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 169, change for May -2.9%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for June 2027.
In the beginning rate at 169 Yens. High exchange rate 169 and low 162. The average for the month 166. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 164, change for June -3.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for July 2027.
In the beginning rate at 164 Yens. High exchange rate 172 and low 164. The average for the month 167. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 169, change for July 3.0%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for August 2027.
In the beginning rate at 169 Yens. High exchange rate 177 and low 169. The average for the month 172. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 174, change for August 3.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for September 2027.
In the beginning rate at 174 Yens. High exchange rate 182 and low 174. The average for the month 177. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 179, change for September 2.9%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for October 2027.
In the beginning rate at 179 Yens. High exchange rate 179 and low 173. The average for the month 177. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 176, change for October -1.7%.
USD to JPY forecast for November 2027.
In the beginning rate at 176 Yens. High exchange rate 184 and low 176. The average for the month 179. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 181, change for November 2.8%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for December 2027.
In the beginning rate at 181 Yens. High exchange rate 181 and low 174. The average for the month 178. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 177, change for December -2.2%.
USD to JPY forecast for January 2028.
In the beginning rate at 177 Yens. High exchange rate 185 and low 177. The average for the month 180. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 182, change for January 2.8%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for February 2028.
In the beginning rate at 182 Yens. High exchange rate 190 and low 182. The average for the month 185. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 187, change for February 2.7%.
USD to JPY forecast for March 2028.
In the beginning rate at 187 Yens. High exchange rate 190 and low 184. The average for the month 187. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 187, change for March 0.0%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for April 2028.
In the beginning rate at 187 Yens. High exchange rate 190 and low 184. The average for the month 187. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 187, change for April 0.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for May 2028.
In the beginning rate at 187 Yens. High exchange rate 193 and low 187. The average for the month 189. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 190, change for May 1.6%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for June 2028.
In the beginning rate at 190 Yens. High exchange rate 192 and low 186. The average for the month 189. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 189, change for June -0.5%.
USD to JPY forecast for July 2028.
In the beginning rate at 189 Yens. High exchange rate 197 and low 189. The average for the month 192. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 194, change for July 2.6%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for August 2028.
In the beginning rate at 194 Yens. High exchange rate 199 and low 193. The average for the month 196. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 196, change for August 1.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for September 2028.
In the beginning rate at 196 Yens. High exchange rate 200 and low 194. The average for the month 197. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 197, change for September 0.5%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for October 2028.
In the beginning rate at 197 Yens. High exchange rate 197 and low 191. The average for the month 195. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 194, change for October -1.5%.
USD to JPY forecast for November 2028.
In the beginning rate at 194 Yens. High exchange rate 200 and low 194. The average for the month 196. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 197, change for November 1.5%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for December 2028.
In the beginning rate at 197 Yens. High exchange rate 200 and low 194. The average for the month 197. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 197, change for December 0.0%.
USD to JPY forecast for January 2029.
In the beginning rate at 197 Yens. High exchange rate 198 and low 192. The average for the month 196. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 195, change for January -1.0%.
Dollar to Yen forecast for February 2029.
In the beginning rate at 195 Yens. High exchange rate 204 and low 195. The average for the month 199. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 201, change for February 3.1%.
USD to JPY forecast for March 2029.
In the beginning rate at 201 Yens. High exchange rate 207 and low 201. The average for the month 203. USD to JPY forecast at the end of the month 204, change for March 1.5%.