Dow Jones index closed at 44546.08 the previous day.
Dow Jones Predictions For Next Months And Years
Dow Jones forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for early February 44545. Maximum value 47925, minimum value 41126. Average Dow Jones for the month 44454. Value at the end 44221, change for February -0.7%.
DJIA index predictions for March 2025.
The forecast for early March 44221. Maximum value 49936, minimum value 40825. Average Dow Jones for the month 44720. Value at the end 43898, change for March -0.7%.
Dow Jones Predictions For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 44545 | 41126-47925 | 44221 | -0.7% |
Mar | 44221 | 40825-49936 | 43898 | -1.5% |
Apr | 43898 | 42745-49179 | 45962 | 3.2% |
May | 45962 | 40492-46588 | 43540 | -2.3% |
Jun | 43540 | 43245-49755 | 46500 | 4.4% |
Jul | 46500 | 43272-49786 | 46529 | 4.5% |
Aug | 46529 | 43890-50498 | 47194 | 5.9% |
Sep | 47194 | 45734-52618 | 49176 | 10.4% |
Oct | 49176 | 47154-54252 | 50703 | 13.8% |
Nov | 50703 | 48128-55373 | 51750 | 16.2% |
Dec | 51750 | 48633-55955 | 52294 | 17.4% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 52294 | 49230-56640 | 52935 | 18.8% |
Feb | 52935 | 49955-57475 | 53715 | 20.6% |
Mar | 53715 | 51055-58741 | 54898 | 23.2% |
Apr | 54898 | 53089-61081 | 57085 | 28.2% |
May | 57085 | 57085-66535 | 62182 | 39.6% |
Jun | 62182 | 57930-66650 | 62290 | 39.8% |
Jul | 62290 | 55718-64106 | 59912 | 34.5% |
Aug | 59912 | 54478-62680 | 58579 | 31.5% |
Sep | 58579 | 56415-64907 | 60661 | 36.2% |
Oct | 60661 | 58712-67550 | 63131 | 41.7% |
Nov | 63131 | 57004-65586 | 61295 | 37.6% |
Dec | 61295 | 58336-67118 | 62727 | 40.8% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 62727 | 59430-68376 | 63903 | 43.5% |
Feb | 63903 | 56936-65506 | 61221 | 37.4% |
Dow Jones Forecast For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 61221 | 58560-67376 | 62968 | 41.4% |
Apr | 62968 | 49776-62968 | 53523 | 20.2% |
May | 53523 | 52117-59963 | 56040 | 25.8% |
Jun | 56040 | 49371-56803 | 53087 | 19.2% |
Jul | 53087 | 52727-60665 | 56696 | 27.3% |
Aug | 56696 | 52596-60514 | 56555 | 27.0% |
Sep | 56555 | 53348-61378 | 57363 | 28.8% |
Oct | 57363 | 55589-63957 | 59773 | 34.2% |
Nov | 59773 | 57315-65943 | 61629 | 38.4% |
Dec | 61629 | 58499-67305 | 62902 | 41.2% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 62902 | 56039-64475 | 60257 | 35.3% |
Feb | 60257 | 56726-65266 | 60996 | 36.9% |
Mar | 60996 | 57562-66228 | 61895 | 38.9% |
Apr | 61895 | 58831-67687 | 63259 | 42.0% |
May | 63259 | 61174-70384 | 65779 | 47.7% |
Jun | 65779 | 65779-76668 | 71652 | 60.9% |
Jul | 71652 | 66173-76135 | 71154 | 59.7% |
Aug | 71154 | 63646-73228 | 68437 | 53.6% |
Sep | 68437 | 62230-71598 | 66914 | 50.2% |
Oct | 66914 | 64442-74144 | 69293 | 55.6% |
Nov | 69293 | 67066-77162 | 72114 | 61.9% |
Dec | 72114 | 65116-74918 | 70017 | 57.2% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 70017 | 66637-76669 | 71653 | 60.9% |
Feb | 71653 | 67886-78106 | 72996 | 63.9% |
Mar | 72996 | 65037-74827 | 69932 | 57.0% |
Dow Jones forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for early April 43898. Maximum value 49179, minimum value 42745. Average Dow Jones for the month 45446. Value at the end 45962, change for April 4.7%.
DJIA index predictions for May 2025.
The forecast for early May 45962. Maximum value 46588, minimum value 40492. Average Dow Jones for the month 44146. Value at the end 43540, change for May -5.3%.
Dow Jones forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for early June 43540. Maximum value 49755, minimum value 43245. Average Dow Jones for the month 45760. Value at the end 46500, change for June 6.8%.
DJIA index predictions for July 2025.
The forecast for early July 46500. Maximum value 49786, minimum value 43272. Average Dow Jones for the month 46522. Value at the end 46529, change for July 0.1%.
Dow Jones forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for early August 46529. Maximum value 50498, minimum value 43890. Average Dow Jones for the month 47028. Value at the end 47194, change for August 1.4%.
DJIA index predictions for September 2025.
The forecast for early September 47194. Maximum value 52618, minimum value 45734. Average Dow Jones for the month 48681. Value at the end 49176, change for September 4.2%.
Dow Jones forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for early October 49176. Maximum value 54252, minimum value 47154. Average Dow Jones for the month 50321. Value at the end 50703, change for October 3.1%.
DJIA index predictions for November 2025.
The forecast for early November 50703. Maximum value 55373, minimum value 48128. Average Dow Jones for the month 51489. Value at the end 51750, change for November 2.1%.
Dow Jones forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for early December 51750. Maximum value 55955, minimum value 48633. Average Dow Jones for the month 52158. Value at the end 52294, change for December 1.1%.
DJIA index predictions for January 2026.
The forecast for early January 52294. Maximum value 56640, minimum value 49230. Average Dow Jones for the month 52775. Value at the end 52935, change for January 1.2%.
Dow Jones forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for early February 52935. Maximum value 57475, minimum value 49955. Average Dow Jones for the month 53520. Value at the end 53715, change for February 1.5%.
DJIA index predictions for March 2026.
The forecast for early March 53715. Maximum value 58741, minimum value 51055. Average Dow Jones for the month 54602. Value at the end 54898, change for March 2.2%.
Dow Jones forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for early April 54898. Maximum value 61081, minimum value 53089. Average Dow Jones for the month 56538. Value at the end 57085, change for April 4.0%.
DJIA index predictions for May 2026.
The forecast for early May 57085. Maximum value 66535, minimum value 57085. Average Dow Jones for the month 60722. Value at the end 62182, change for May 8.9%.
Dow Jones forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for early June 62182. Maximum value 66650, minimum value 57930. Average Dow Jones for the month 62263. Value at the end 62290, change for June 0.2%.
DJIA index predictions for July 2026.
The forecast for early July 62290. Maximum value 64106, minimum value 55718. Average Dow Jones for the month 60507. Value at the end 59912, change for July -3.8%.
Dow Jones forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for early August 59912. Maximum value 62680, minimum value 54478. Average Dow Jones for the month 58912. Value at the end 58579, change for August -2.2%.
DJIA index predictions for September 2026.
The forecast for early September 58579. Maximum value 64907, minimum value 56415. Average Dow Jones for the month 60141. Value at the end 60661, change for September 3.6%.
Dow Jones forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for early October 60661. Maximum value 67550, minimum value 58712. Average Dow Jones for the month 62514. Value at the end 63131, change for October 4.1%.
DJIA index predictions for November 2026.
The forecast for early November 63131. Maximum value 65586, minimum value 57004. Average Dow Jones for the month 61754. Value at the end 61295, change for November -2.9%.
Dow Jones forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for early December 61295. Maximum value 67118, minimum value 58336. Average Dow Jones for the month 62369. Value at the end 62727, change for December 2.3%.
DJIA index predictions for January 2027.
The forecast for early January 62727. Maximum value 68376, minimum value 59430. Average Dow Jones for the month 63609. Value at the end 63903, change for January 1.9%.
Dow Jones forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for early February 63903. Maximum value 65506, minimum value 56936. Average Dow Jones for the month 61892. Value at the end 61221, change for February -4.2%.
DJIA index predictions for March 2027.
The forecast for early March 61221. Maximum value 67376, minimum value 58560. Average Dow Jones for the month 62531. Value at the end 62968, change for March 2.9%.
Dow Jones forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for early April 62968. Maximum value 62968, minimum value 49776. Average Dow Jones for the month 57309. Value at the end 53523, change for April -15.0%.
DJIA index predictions for May 2027.
The forecast for early May 53523. Maximum value 59963, minimum value 52117. Average Dow Jones for the month 55411. Value at the end 56040, change for May 4.7%.
Dow Jones forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for early June 56040. Maximum value 56803, minimum value 49371. Average Dow Jones for the month 53825. Value at the end 53087, change for June -5.3%.
DJIA index predictions for July 2027.
The forecast for early July 53087. Maximum value 60665, minimum value 52727. Average Dow Jones for the month 55794. Value at the end 56696, change for July 6.8%.
Dow Jones forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for early August 56696. Maximum value 60514, minimum value 52596. Average Dow Jones for the month 56590. Value at the end 56555, change for August -0.2%.
DJIA index predictions for September 2027.
The forecast for early September 56555. Maximum value 61378, minimum value 53348. Average Dow Jones for the month 57161. Value at the end 57363, change for September 1.4%.
Dow Jones forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for early October 57363. Maximum value 63957, minimum value 55589. Average Dow Jones for the month 59171. Value at the end 59773, change for October 4.2%.
DJIA index predictions for November 2027.
The forecast for early November 59773. Maximum value 65943, minimum value 57315. Average Dow Jones for the month 61165. Value at the end 61629, change for November 3.1%.
Dow Jones forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for early December 61629. Maximum value 67305, minimum value 58499. Average Dow Jones for the month 62584. Value at the end 62902, change for December 2.1%.
DJIA index predictions for January 2028.
The forecast for early January 62902. Maximum value 64475, minimum value 56039. Average Dow Jones for the month 60918. Value at the end 60257, change for January -4.2%.
Dow Jones forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for early February 60257. Maximum value 65266, minimum value 56726. Average Dow Jones for the month 60811. Value at the end 60996, change for February 1.2%.
DJIA index predictions for March 2028.
The forecast for early March 60996. Maximum value 66228, minimum value 57562. Average Dow Jones for the month 61670. Value at the end 61895, change for March 1.5%.
Dow Jones forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for early April 61895. Maximum value 67687, minimum value 58831. Average Dow Jones for the month 62918. Value at the end 63259, change for April 2.2%.
DJIA index predictions for May 2028.
The forecast for early May 63259. Maximum value 70384, minimum value 61174. Average Dow Jones for the month 65149. Value at the end 65779, change for May 4.0%.
Dow Jones forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for early June 65779. Maximum value 76668, minimum value 65779. Average Dow Jones for the month 69970. Value at the end 71652, change for June 8.9%.
DJIA index predictions for July 2028.
The forecast for early July 71652. Maximum value 76135, minimum value 66173. Average Dow Jones for the month 71279. Value at the end 71154, change for July -0.7%.
Dow Jones forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for early August 71154. Maximum value 73228, minimum value 63646. Average Dow Jones for the month 69116. Value at the end 68437, change for August -3.8%.
DJIA index predictions for September 2028.
The forecast for early September 68437. Maximum value 71598, minimum value 62230. Average Dow Jones for the month 67295. Value at the end 66914, change for September -2.2%.
Dow Jones forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for early October 66914. Maximum value 74144, minimum value 64442. Average Dow Jones for the month 68698. Value at the end 69293, change for October 3.6%.
DJIA index predictions for November 2028.
The forecast for early November 69293. Maximum value 77162, minimum value 67066. Average Dow Jones for the month 71409. Value at the end 72114, change for November 4.1%.
Dow Jones forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for early December 72114. Maximum value 74918, minimum value 65116. Average Dow Jones for the month 70541. Value at the end 70017, change for December -2.9%.