Google (Alphabet) stock closed at 186.87 dollars the previous day.
Google Share Price Prediction For Next Months and Years
Google stock price forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for beginning 206 dollars. Maximum price 209, minimum 166. Averaged Google stock price for the month 190. At the end 180 dollars, change for February -12.6%.
Google stock prediction for March 2025.
The forecast for beginning 180 dollars. Maximum price 202, minimum 157. Averaged Google stock price for the month 178. At the end 173 dollars, change for March -3.9%.
Google stock price forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for beginning 173 dollars. Maximum price 202, minimum 172. Averaged Google stock price for the month 184. At the end 187 dollars, change for April 8.1%.
Google Stock Prediction For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 206 | 166-209 | 180 | -12.6% |
Mar | 180 | 157-202 | 173 | -16.0% |
Apr | 173 | 172-202 | 187 | -9.2% |
May | 187 | 187-226 | 209 | 1.5% |
Jun | 209 | 190-222 | 206 | 0.0% |
Jul | 206 | 194-228 | 211 | 2.4% |
Aug | 211 | 198-232 | 215 | 4.4% |
Sep | 215 | 200-234 | 217 | 5.3% |
Oct | 217 | 201-235 | 218 | 5.8% |
Nov | 218 | 211-247 | 229 | 11.2% |
Dec | 229 | 223-261 | 242 | 17.5% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 242 | 242-296 | 274 | 33.0% |
Feb | 274 | 254-298 | 276 | 34.0% |
Mar | 276 | 257-301 | 279 | 35.4% |
Apr | 279 | 271-319 | 295 | 43.2% |
May | 295 | 283-333 | 308 | 49.5% |
Jun | 308 | 285-335 | 310 | 50.5% |
Jul | 310 | 275-323 | 299 | 45.1% |
Aug | 299 | 285-335 | 310 | 50.5% |
Sep | 310 | 310-365 | 338 | 64.1% |
Oct | 338 | 303-355 | 329 | 59.7% |
Nov | 329 | 329-408 | 378 | 83.5% |
Dec | 378 | 360-422 | 391 | 89.8% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 391 | 391-485 | 449 | 118% |
Feb | 449 | 369-449 | 401 | 94.7% |
Google Stock Price Prediction For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 401 | 401-495 | 458 | 122% |
Apr | 458 | 358-458 | 389 | 88.8% |
May | 389 | 386-454 | 420 | 104% |
Jun | 420 | 420-507 | 469 | 128% |
Jul | 469 | 426-500 | 463 | 125% |
Aug | 463 | 437-513 | 475 | 131% |
Sep | 475 | 446-524 | 485 | 135% |
Oct | 485 | 433-509 | 471 | 129% |
Nov | 471 | 423-497 | 460 | 123% |
Dec | 460 | 444-522 | 483 | 135% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 483 | 470-552 | 511 | 148% |
Feb | 511 | 511-625 | 579 | 181% |
Mar | 579 | 515-605 | 560 | 172% |
Apr | 560 | 522-612 | 567 | 175% |
May | 567 | 551-647 | 599 | 191% |
Jun | 599 | 576-676 | 626 | 204% |
Jul | 626 | 558-654 | 606 | 194% |
Aug | 606 | 537-631 | 584 | 184% |
Sep | 584 | 558-654 | 606 | 194% |
Oct | 606 | 606-714 | 661 | 221% |
Nov | 661 | 592-694 | 643 | 212% |
Dec | 643 | 643-798 | 739 | 259% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 739 | 704-826 | 765 | 271% |
Feb | 765 | 765-949 | 879 | 327% |
Mar | 879 | 721-879 | 784 | 281% |
Google stock prediction for May 2025.
The forecast for beginning 187 dollars. Maximum price 226, minimum 187. Averaged Google stock price for the month 202. At the end 209 dollars, change for May 11.8%.
Google stock price forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for beginning 209 dollars. Maximum price 222, minimum 190. Averaged Google stock price for the month 207. At the end 206 dollars, change for June -1.4%.
Google stock prediction for July 2025.
The forecast for beginning 206 dollars. Maximum price 228, minimum 194. Averaged Google stock price for the month 210. At the end 211 dollars, change for July 2.4%.
Google stock price forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for beginning 211 dollars. Maximum price 232, minimum 198. Averaged Google stock price for the month 214. At the end 215 dollars, change for August 1.9%.
Google stock prediction for September 2025.
The forecast for beginning 215 dollars. Maximum price 234, minimum 200. Averaged Google stock price for the month 217. At the end 217 dollars, change for September 0.9%.
Google stock price forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for beginning 217 dollars. Maximum price 235, minimum 201. Averaged Google stock price for the month 218. At the end 218 dollars, change for October 0.5%.
Google stock prediction for November 2025.
The forecast for beginning 218 dollars. Maximum price 247, minimum 211. Averaged Google stock price for the month 226. At the end 229 dollars, change for November 5.0%.
Google stock price forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for beginning 229 dollars. Maximum price 261, minimum 223. Averaged Google stock price for the month 239. At the end 242 dollars, change for December 5.7%.
Google stock prediction for January 2026.
The forecast for beginning 242 dollars. Maximum price 296, minimum 242. Averaged Google stock price for the month 264. At the end 274 dollars, change for January 13.2%.
Google stock price forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for beginning 274 dollars. Maximum price 298, minimum 254. Averaged Google stock price for the month 276. At the end 276 dollars, change for February 0.7%.
Google stock prediction for March 2026.
The forecast for beginning 276 dollars. Maximum price 301, minimum 257. Averaged Google stock price for the month 278. At the end 279 dollars, change for March 1.1%.
Google stock price forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for beginning 279 dollars. Maximum price 319, minimum 271. Averaged Google stock price for the month 291. At the end 295 dollars, change for April 5.7%.
Google stock prediction for May 2026.
The forecast for beginning 295 dollars. Maximum price 333, minimum 283. Averaged Google stock price for the month 305. At the end 308 dollars, change for May 4.4%.
Google stock price forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for beginning 308 dollars. Maximum price 335, minimum 285. Averaged Google stock price for the month 310. At the end 310 dollars, change for June 0.6%.
Google stock prediction for July 2026.
The forecast for beginning 310 dollars. Maximum price 323, minimum 275. Averaged Google stock price for the month 302. At the end 299 dollars, change for July -3.5%.
Google stock price forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for beginning 299 dollars. Maximum price 335, minimum 285. Averaged Google stock price for the month 307. At the end 310 dollars, change for August 3.7%.
Google stock prediction for September 2026.
The forecast for beginning 310 dollars. Maximum price 365, minimum 310. Averaged Google stock price for the month 331. At the end 338 dollars, change for September 9.0%.
Google stock price forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for beginning 338 dollars. Maximum price 355, minimum 303. Averaged Google stock price for the month 331. At the end 329 dollars, change for October -2.7%.
Google stock prediction for November 2026.
The forecast for beginning 329 dollars. Maximum price 408, minimum 329. Averaged Google stock price for the month 361. At the end 378 dollars, change for November 14.9%.
Google stock price forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for beginning 378 dollars. Maximum price 422, minimum 360. Averaged Google stock price for the month 388. At the end 391 dollars, change for December 3.4%.
Google stock prediction for January 2027.
The forecast for beginning 391 dollars. Maximum price 485, minimum 391. Averaged Google stock price for the month 429. At the end 449 dollars, change for January 14.8%.
Google stock price forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for beginning 449 dollars. Maximum price 449, minimum 369. Averaged Google stock price for the month 417. At the end 401 dollars, change for February -10.7%.
Google stock prediction for March 2027.
The forecast for beginning 401 dollars. Maximum price 495, minimum 401. Averaged Google stock price for the month 439. At the end 458 dollars, change for March 14.2%.
Google stock price forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for beginning 458 dollars. Maximum price 458, minimum 358. Averaged Google stock price for the month 416. At the end 389 dollars, change for April -15.1%.
Google stock prediction for May 2027.
The forecast for beginning 389 dollars. Maximum price 454, minimum 386. Averaged Google stock price for the month 412. At the end 420 dollars, change for May 8.0%.
Google stock price forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for beginning 420 dollars. Maximum price 507, minimum 420. Averaged Google stock price for the month 454. At the end 469 dollars, change for June 11.7%.
Google stock prediction for July 2027.
The forecast for beginning 469 dollars. Maximum price 500, minimum 426. Averaged Google stock price for the month 465. At the end 463 dollars, change for July -1.3%.
Google stock price forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for beginning 463 dollars. Maximum price 513, minimum 437. Averaged Google stock price for the month 472. At the end 475 dollars, change for August 2.6%.
Google stock prediction for September 2027.
The forecast for beginning 475 dollars. Maximum price 524, minimum 446. Averaged Google stock price for the month 483. At the end 485 dollars, change for September 2.1%.
Google stock price forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for beginning 485 dollars. Maximum price 509, minimum 433. Averaged Google stock price for the month 475. At the end 471 dollars, change for October -2.9%.
Google stock prediction for November 2027.
The forecast for beginning 471 dollars. Maximum price 497, minimum 423. Averaged Google stock price for the month 463. At the end 460 dollars, change for November -2.3%.
Google stock price forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for beginning 460 dollars. Maximum price 522, minimum 444. Averaged Google stock price for the month 477. At the end 483 dollars, change for December 5.0%.
Google stock prediction for January 2028.
The forecast for beginning 483 dollars. Maximum price 552, minimum 470. Averaged Google stock price for the month 504. At the end 511 dollars, change for January 5.8%.
Google stock price forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for beginning 511 dollars. Maximum price 625, minimum 511. Averaged Google stock price for the month 557. At the end 579 dollars, change for February 13.3%.
Google stock prediction for March 2028.
The forecast for beginning 579 dollars. Maximum price 605, minimum 515. Averaged Google stock price for the month 565. At the end 560 dollars, change for March -3.3%.
Google stock price forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for beginning 560 dollars. Maximum price 612, minimum 522. Averaged Google stock price for the month 565. At the end 567 dollars, change for April 1.3%.
Google stock prediction for May 2028.
The forecast for beginning 567 dollars. Maximum price 647, minimum 551. Averaged Google stock price for the month 591. At the end 599 dollars, change for May 5.6%.
Google stock price forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for beginning 599 dollars. Maximum price 676, minimum 576. Averaged Google stock price for the month 619. At the end 626 dollars, change for June 4.5%.
Google stock prediction for July 2028.
The forecast for beginning 626 dollars. Maximum price 654, minimum 558. Averaged Google stock price for the month 611. At the end 606 dollars, change for July -3.2%.
Google stock price forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for beginning 606 dollars. Maximum price 631, minimum 537. Averaged Google stock price for the month 590. At the end 584 dollars, change for August -3.6%.
Google stock prediction for September 2028.
The forecast for beginning 584 dollars. Maximum price 654, minimum 558. Averaged Google stock price for the month 601. At the end 606 dollars, change for September 3.8%.
Google stock price forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for beginning 606 dollars. Maximum price 714, minimum 606. Averaged Google stock price for the month 647. At the end 661 dollars, change for October 9.1%.
Google stock prediction for November 2028.
The forecast for beginning 661 dollars. Maximum price 694, minimum 592. Averaged Google stock price for the month 648. At the end 643 dollars, change for November -2.7%.
Google stock price forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for beginning 643 dollars. Maximum price 798, minimum 643. Averaged Google stock price for the month 706. At the end 739 dollars, change for December 14.9%.
Google stock prediction for January 2029.
The forecast for beginning 739 dollars. Maximum price 826, minimum 704. Averaged Google stock price for the month 759. At the end 765 dollars, change for January 3.5%.