Hims & Hers Health stock closed at 39.8600 dollars the previous day.
Hims & Hers Health Share Price Prediction For Next Months and Years
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for beginning 37.28 dollars. Maximum price 72.98, minimum 34.84. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 46.14. At the end 39.44 dollars, change for February 5.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for March 2025.
The forecast for beginning 39.44 dollars. Maximum price 57.62, minimum 32.75. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 45.63. At the end 52.69 dollars, change for March 33.6%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for beginning 52.69 dollars. Maximum price 65.44, minimum 50.43. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 57.29. At the end 60.59 dollars, change for April 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health Stock Prediction For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 37.28 | 34.84-72.98 | 39.44 | 5.8% |
Mar | 39.44 | 32.75-57.62 | 52.69 | 41.3% |
Apr | 52.69 | 50.43-65.44 | 60.59 | 62.5% |
May | 60.59 | 47.38-60.59 | 51.50 | 38.1% |
Jun | 51.50 | 51.50-63.97 | 59.23 | 58.9% |
Jul | 59.23 | 57.47-67.47 | 62.47 | 67.6% |
Aug | 62.47 | 62.47-77.59 | 71.84 | 92.7% |
Sep | 71.84 | 68.57-80.49 | 74.53 | 99.9% |
Oct | 74.53 | 69.93-82.09 | 76.01 | 104% |
Nov | 76.01 | 76.01-94.40 | 87.41 | 135% |
Dec | 87.41 | 83.43-97.95 | 90.69 | 143% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 90.69 | 90.69-112.63 | 104.29 | 180% |
Feb | 104.29 | 104.29-129.52 | 119.93 | 222% |
Mar | 119.93 | 110.46-129.66 | 120.06 | 222% |
Apr | 120.06 | 111.33-130.69 | 121.01 | 225% |
May | 121.01 | 121.01-150.29 | 139.16 | 273% |
Jun | 139.16 | 132.83-155.93 | 144.38 | 287% |
Jul | 144.38 | 132.83-155.93 | 144.38 | 287% |
Aug | 144.38 | 138.40-162.48 | 150.44 | 304% |
Sep | 150.44 | 141.98-166.68 | 154.33 | 314% |
Oct | 154.33 | 140.43-164.85 | 152.64 | 309% |
Nov | 152.64 | 145.56-170.88 | 158.22 | 324% |
Dec | 158.22 | 158.22-189.26 | 175.24 | 370% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 175.24 | 156.84-184.12 | 170.48 | 357% |
Feb | 170.48 | 150.70-176.90 | 163.80 | 339% |
Hims & Hers Health Stock Price Prediction For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 163.80 | 161.22-189.26 | 175.24 | 370% |
Apr | 175.24 | 137.03-175.24 | 148.95 | 300% |
May | 148.95 | 148.95-184.99 | 171.29 | 360% |
Jun | 171.29 | 133.95-171.29 | 145.60 | 291% |
Jul | 145.60 | 145.60-180.84 | 167.44 | 349% |
Aug | 167.44 | 162.46-190.72 | 176.59 | 374% |
Sep | 176.59 | 176.59-219.33 | 203.08 | 445% |
Oct | 203.08 | 158.81-203.08 | 172.62 | 363% |
Nov | 172.62 | 146.20-172.62 | 158.91 | 326% |
Dec | 158.91 | 158.91-197.37 | 182.75 | 390% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 182.75 | 142.91-182.75 | 155.34 | 317% |
Feb | 155.34 | 155.34-192.93 | 178.64 | 379% |
Mar | 178.64 | 178.64-221.88 | 205.44 | 451% |
Apr | 205.44 | 189.22-222.12 | 205.67 | 452% |
May | 205.67 | 190.72-223.88 | 207.30 | 456% |
Jun | 207.30 | 207.30-257.47 | 238.40 | 540% |
Jul | 238.40 | 186.43-238.40 | 202.64 | 444% |
Aug | 202.64 | 186.43-218.85 | 202.64 | 444% |
Sep | 202.64 | 194.25-228.03 | 211.14 | 466% |
Oct | 211.14 | 199.26-233.92 | 216.59 | 481% |
Nov | 216.59 | 197.08-231.36 | 214.22 | 475% |
Dec | 214.22 | 204.29-239.81 | 222.05 | 496% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 222.05 | 222.05-265.60 | 245.93 | 560% |
Feb | 245.93 | 220.11-258.39 | 239.25 | 542% |
Mar | 239.25 | 211.49-248.27 | 229.88 | 517% |
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for May 2025.
The forecast for beginning 60.59 dollars. Maximum price 60.59, minimum 47.38. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 55.02. At the end 51.50 dollars, change for May -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for beginning 51.50 dollars. Maximum price 63.97, minimum 51.50. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 56.55. At the end 59.23 dollars, change for June 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for July 2025.
The forecast for beginning 59.23 dollars. Maximum price 67.47, minimum 57.47. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 61.66. At the end 62.47 dollars, change for July 5.5%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for beginning 62.47 dollars. Maximum price 77.59, minimum 62.47. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 68.59. At the end 71.84 dollars, change for August 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for September 2025.
The forecast for beginning 71.84 dollars. Maximum price 80.49, minimum 68.57. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 73.86. At the end 74.53 dollars, change for September 3.7%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for beginning 74.53 dollars. Maximum price 82.09, minimum 69.93. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 75.64. At the end 76.01 dollars, change for October 2.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for November 2025.
The forecast for beginning 76.01 dollars. Maximum price 94.40, minimum 76.01. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 83.46. At the end 87.41 dollars, change for November 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for beginning 87.41 dollars. Maximum price 97.95, minimum 83.43. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 89.87. At the end 90.69 dollars, change for December 3.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for January 2026.
The forecast for beginning 90.69 dollars. Maximum price 112.63, minimum 90.69. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 99.58. At the end 104.29 dollars, change for January 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for beginning 104.29 dollars. Maximum price 129.52, minimum 104.29. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 114.51. At the end 119.93 dollars, change for February 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for March 2026.
The forecast for beginning 119.93 dollars. Maximum price 129.66, minimum 110.46. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 120.03. At the end 120.06 dollars, change for March 0.1%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for beginning 120.06 dollars. Maximum price 130.69, minimum 111.33. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 120.77. At the end 121.01 dollars, change for April 0.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for May 2026.
The forecast for beginning 121.01 dollars. Maximum price 150.29, minimum 121.01. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 132.87. At the end 139.16 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for beginning 139.16 dollars. Maximum price 155.93, minimum 132.83. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 143.08. At the end 144.38 dollars, change for June 3.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for July 2026.
The forecast for beginning 144.38 dollars. Maximum price 155.93, minimum 132.83. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 144.38. At the end 144.38 dollars, change for July 0.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for beginning 144.38 dollars. Maximum price 162.48, minimum 138.40. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 148.93. At the end 150.44 dollars, change for August 4.2%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for September 2026.
The forecast for beginning 150.44 dollars. Maximum price 166.68, minimum 141.98. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 153.36. At the end 154.33 dollars, change for September 2.6%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for beginning 154.33 dollars. Maximum price 164.85, minimum 140.43. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 153.06. At the end 152.64 dollars, change for October -1.1%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for November 2026.
The forecast for beginning 152.64 dollars. Maximum price 170.88, minimum 145.56. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 156.83. At the end 158.22 dollars, change for November 3.7%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for beginning 158.22 dollars. Maximum price 189.26, minimum 158.22. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 170.24. At the end 175.24 dollars, change for December 10.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for January 2027.
The forecast for beginning 175.24 dollars. Maximum price 184.12, minimum 156.84. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 171.67. At the end 170.48 dollars, change for January -2.7%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for beginning 170.48 dollars. Maximum price 176.90, minimum 150.70. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 165.47. At the end 163.80 dollars, change for February -3.9%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for March 2027.
The forecast for beginning 163.80 dollars. Maximum price 189.26, minimum 161.22. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 172.38. At the end 175.24 dollars, change for March 7.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for beginning 175.24 dollars. Maximum price 175.24, minimum 137.03. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 159.12. At the end 148.95 dollars, change for April -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for May 2027.
The forecast for beginning 148.95 dollars. Maximum price 184.99, minimum 148.95. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 163.55. At the end 171.29 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for beginning 171.29 dollars. Maximum price 171.29, minimum 133.95. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 155.53. At the end 145.60 dollars, change for June -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for July 2027.
The forecast for beginning 145.60 dollars. Maximum price 180.84, minimum 145.60. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 159.87. At the end 167.44 dollars, change for July 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for beginning 167.44 dollars. Maximum price 190.72, minimum 162.46. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 174.30. At the end 176.59 dollars, change for August 5.5%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for September 2027.
The forecast for beginning 176.59 dollars. Maximum price 219.33, minimum 176.59. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 193.90. At the end 203.08 dollars, change for September 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for beginning 203.08 dollars. Maximum price 203.08, minimum 158.81. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 184.40. At the end 172.62 dollars, change for October -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for November 2027.
The forecast for beginning 172.62 dollars. Maximum price 172.62, minimum 146.20. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 162.59. At the end 158.91 dollars, change for November -7.9%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for beginning 158.91 dollars. Maximum price 197.37, minimum 158.91. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 174.49. At the end 182.75 dollars, change for December 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for January 2028.
The forecast for beginning 182.75 dollars. Maximum price 182.75, minimum 142.91. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 165.94. At the end 155.34 dollars, change for January -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for beginning 155.34 dollars. Maximum price 192.93, minimum 155.34. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 170.56. At the end 178.64 dollars, change for February 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for March 2028.
The forecast for beginning 178.64 dollars. Maximum price 221.88, minimum 178.64. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 196.15. At the end 205.44 dollars, change for March 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for beginning 205.44 dollars. Maximum price 222.12, minimum 189.22. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 205.61. At the end 205.67 dollars, change for April 0.1%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for May 2028.
The forecast for beginning 205.67 dollars. Maximum price 223.88, minimum 190.72. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 206.89. At the end 207.30 dollars, change for May 0.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for beginning 207.30 dollars. Maximum price 257.47, minimum 207.30. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 227.62. At the end 238.40 dollars, change for June 15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for July 2028.
The forecast for beginning 238.40 dollars. Maximum price 238.40, minimum 186.43. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 216.47. At the end 202.64 dollars, change for July -15.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for beginning 202.64 dollars. Maximum price 218.85, minimum 186.43. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 202.64. At the end 202.64 dollars, change for August 0.0%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for September 2028.
The forecast for beginning 202.64 dollars. Maximum price 228.03, minimum 194.25. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 209.02. At the end 211.14 dollars, change for September 4.2%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for beginning 211.14 dollars. Maximum price 233.92, minimum 199.26. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 215.23. At the end 216.59 dollars, change for October 2.6%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for November 2028.
The forecast for beginning 216.59 dollars. Maximum price 231.36, minimum 197.08. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 214.81. At the end 214.22 dollars, change for November -1.1%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for beginning 214.22 dollars. Maximum price 239.81, minimum 204.29. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 220.09. At the end 222.05 dollars, change for December 3.7%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for January 2029.
The forecast for beginning 222.05 dollars. Maximum price 265.60, minimum 222.05. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 238.91. At the end 245.93 dollars, change for January 10.8%.
Hims & Hers Health stock price forecast for February 2029.
The forecast for beginning 245.93 dollars. Maximum price 258.39, minimum 220.11. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 240.92. At the end 239.25 dollars, change for February -2.7%.
Hims & Hers Health stock prediction for March 2029.
The forecast for beginning 239.25 dollars. Maximum price 248.27, minimum 211.49. Averaged Hims & Hers Health stock price for the month 232.22. At the end 229.88 dollars, change for March -3.9%.