30-Year Mortgage Rates Today
The current 30-Year Mortgage Rate is equal to 6.87%. The mortgage rate is updated on a weekly basis. The previous week’s rate was 6.89%, indicating a change of -0.02 points for the week. 15-Year Mortgage Rate today and prediction below.
30-Year Mortgage Rates Predictions For 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 And 2029
Month | Low-High | Close | Mo,% | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 6.59-6.99 | 6.79 | -1.5% | -1.5% |
Mar | 6.63-7.03 | 6.83 | 0.6% | -0.9% |
Apr | 6.83-7.26 | 7.05 | 3.2% | 2.3% |
May | 6.81-7.23 | 7.02 | -0.4% | 1.9% |
Jun | 6.97-7.41 | 7.19 | 2.4% | 4.4% |
Jul | 6.72-7.19 | 6.93 | -3.6% | 0.6% |
Aug | 6.34-6.93 | 6.54 | -5.6% | -5.1% |
Sep | 6.14-6.54 | 6.33 | -3.2% | -8.1% |
Oct | 6.06-6.44 | 6.25 | -1.3% | -9.3% |
Nov | 5.91-6.27 | 6.09 | -2.6% | -11.6% |
Dec | 6.02-6.40 | 6.21 | 2.0% | -9.9% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 5.93-6.29 | 6.11 | -1.6% | -11.3% |
Feb | 6.11-6.59 | 6.40 | 4.7% | -7.1% |
Mar | 6.22-6.60 | 6.41 | 0.2% | -7.0% |
Apr | 5.69-6.41 | 5.87 | -8.4% | -14.8% |
May | 5.29-5.87 | 5.45 | -7.2% | -20.9% |
Jun | 5.34-5.68 | 5.51 | 1.1% | -20.0% |
Jul | 5.42-5.76 | 5.59 | 1.5% | -18.9% |
Aug | 5.59-5.99 | 5.82 | 4.1% | -15.5% |
Sep | 5.59-5.93 | 5.76 | -1.0% | -16.4% |
Oct | 5.61-5.95 | 5.78 | 0.3% | -16.1% |
Nov | 5.56-5.90 | 5.73 | -0.9% | -16.8% |
Dec | 5.62-5.96 | 5.79 | 1.0% | -16.0% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 5.34-5.79 | 5.50 | -5.0% | -20.2% |
Month | Low-High | Close | Mo,% | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Feb | 5.30-5.62 | 5.46 | -0.7% | -20.8% |
Mar | 4.98-5.46 | 5.13 | -6.0% | -25.5% |
Apr | 4.97-5.27 | 5.12 | -0.2% | -25.7% |
May | 4.72-5.12 | 4.87 | -4.9% | -29.3% |
Jun | 4.87-5.23 | 5.08 | 4.3% | -26.3% |
Jul | 5.08-6.07 | 5.89 | 15.9% | -14.5% |
Aug | 5.89-6.68 | 6.49 | 10.2% | -5.8% |
Sep | 5.67-6.49 | 5.85 | -9.9% | -15.1% |
Oct | 5.85-6.42 | 6.23 | 6.5% | -9.6% |
Nov | 5.83-6.23 | 6.01 | -3.5% | -12.8% |
Dec | 6.01-6.93 | 6.73 | 12.0% | -2.3% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 6.73-8.22 | 7.98 | 18.6% | 15.8% |
Feb | 7.98-8.60 | 8.35 | 4.6% | 21.2% |
Mar | 8.35-9.63 | 9.35 | 12.0% | 35.7% |
Apr | 9.07-9.63 | 9.35 | 0.0% | 35.7% |
May | 9.13-9.69 | 9.41 | 0.6% | 36.6% |
Jun | 9.37-9.95 | 9.66 | 2.7% | 40.2% |
Jul | 9.66-10.44 | 10.14 | 5.0% | 47.2% |
Aug | 10.09-10.71 | 10.40 | 2.6% | 50.9% |
Sep | 9.48-10.40 | 9.77 | -6.1% | 41.8% |
Oct | 9.45-10.03 | 9.74 | -0.3% | 41.4% |
Nov | 9.48-10.06 | 9.77 | 0.3% | 41.8% |
Dec | 8.87-9.77 | 9.14 | -6.4% | 32.7% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 9.14-9.91 | 9.62 | 5.3% | 39.6% |
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.99%, minimum 6.59%. The average for the month 6.82%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.79%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2025.
Maximum interest rate 7.03%, minimum 6.63%. The average for the month 6.82%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.83%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2025.
Maximum interest rate 7.26%, minimum 6.83%. The average for the month 6.99%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.05%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2025.
Maximum interest rate 7.23%, minimum 6.81%. The average for the month 7.03%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.02%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2025.
Maximum interest rate 7.41%, minimum 6.97%. The average for the month 7.15%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.19%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2025.
Maximum interest rate 7.19%, minimum 6.72%. The average for the month 7.01%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.93%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.93%, minimum 6.34%. The average for the month 6.69%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.54%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.54%, minimum 6.14%. The average for the month 6.39%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.33%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.44%, minimum 6.06%. The average for the month 6.27%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.25%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.27%, minimum 5.91%. The average for the month 6.13%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.09%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.40%, minimum 6.02%. The average for the month 6.18%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.21%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2026.
Maximum interest rate 6.29%, minimum 5.93%. The average for the month 6.14%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.11%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2026.
Maximum interest rate 6.59%, minimum 6.11%. The average for the month 6.30%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.40%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2026.
Maximum interest rate 6.60%, minimum 6.22%. The average for the month 6.41%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.41%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2026.
Maximum interest rate 6.41%, minimum 5.69%. The average for the month 6.10%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.87%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.87%, minimum 5.29%. The average for the month 5.62%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.45%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.68%, minimum 5.34%. The average for the month 5.50%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.51%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.76%, minimum 5.42%. The average for the month 5.57%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.59%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.99%, minimum 5.59%. The average for the month 5.75%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.82%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.93%, minimum 5.59%. The average for the month 5.78%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.76%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.95%, minimum 5.61%. The average for the month 5.78%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.78%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.90%, minimum 5.56%. The average for the month 5.74%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.73%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.96%, minimum 5.62%. The average for the month 5.78%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.79%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.79%, minimum 5.34%. The average for the month 5.61%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.50%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.62%, minimum 5.30%. The average for the month 5.47%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.46%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.46%, minimum 4.98%. The average for the month 5.26%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.13%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.27%, minimum 4.97%. The average for the month 5.12%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.12%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.12%, minimum 4.72%. The average for the month 4.96%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.87%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.23%, minimum 4.87%. The average for the month 5.01%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.08%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.07%, minimum 5.08%. The average for the month 5.53%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.89%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.68%, minimum 5.89%. The average for the month 6.24%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.49%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.49%, minimum 5.67%. The average for the month 6.13%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.85%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.42%, minimum 5.85%. The average for the month 6.09%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.23%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.23%, minimum 5.83%. The average for the month 6.08%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.01%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2027.
Maximum interest rate 6.93%, minimum 6.01%. The average for the month 6.42%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.73%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2028.
Maximum interest rate 8.22%, minimum 6.73%. The average for the month 7.42%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.98%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2028.
Maximum interest rate 8.60%, minimum 7.98%. The average for the month 8.23%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 8.35%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2028.
Maximum interest rate 9.63%, minimum 8.35%. The average for the month 8.92%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.35%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2028.
Maximum interest rate 9.63%, minimum 9.07%. The average for the month 9.35%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.35%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2028.
Maximum interest rate 9.69%, minimum 9.13%. The average for the month 9.40%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.41%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2028.
Maximum interest rate 9.95%, minimum 9.37%. The average for the month 9.60%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.66%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2028.
Maximum interest rate 10.44%, minimum 9.66%. The average for the month 9.98%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 10.14%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2028.
Maximum interest rate 10.71%, minimum 10.09%. The average for the month 10.34%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 10.40%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2028.
Maximum interest rate 10.40%, minimum 9.48%. The average for the month 10.01%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.77%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2028.
Maximum interest rate 10.03%, minimum 9.45%. The average for the month 9.75%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.74%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2028.
Maximum interest rate 10.06%, minimum 9.48%. The average for the month 9.76%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.77%.
30-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2028.
Maximum interest rate 9.77%, minimum 8.87%. The average for the month 9.39%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.14%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2029.
Maximum interest rate 9.91%, minimum 9.14%. The average for the month 9.45%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 9.62%.
15-Year Mortgage Rates Today
The current 15-Year Mortgage Rate is equal to 6.09%. The mortgage rate is updated on a weekly basis. The previous week’s rate was 6.05%, indicating a change of 0.04 points for the week.
15-Year Mortgage Rates Predictions For 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 And 2029
Month | Low-High | Close | Mo,% | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 5.88-6.24 | 6.06 | 0.2% | 0.2% |
Mar | 5.87-6.23 | 6.05 | -0.2% | 0.0% |
Apr | 6.03-6.41 | 6.22 | 2.8% | 2.8% |
May | 6.00-6.38 | 6.19 | -0.5% | 2.3% |
Jun | 5.98-6.34 | 6.16 | -0.5% | 1.8% |
Jul | 5.70-6.16 | 5.88 | -4.5% | -2.8% |
Aug | 5.30-5.88 | 5.46 | -7.1% | -9.8% |
Sep | 5.07-5.46 | 5.23 | -4.2% | -13.6% |
Oct | 5.00-5.30 | 5.15 | -1.5% | -14.9% |
Nov | 4.92-5.22 | 5.07 | -1.6% | -16.2% |
Dec | 5.02-5.34 | 5.18 | 2.2% | -14.4% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 4.87-5.18 | 5.02 | -3.1% | -17.0% |
Feb | 4.77-5.07 | 4.92 | -2.0% | -18.7% |
Mar | 4.62-4.92 | 4.76 | -3.3% | -21.3% |
Apr | 4.21-4.76 | 4.34 | -8.8% | -28.3% |
May | 3.93-4.34 | 4.05 | -6.7% | -33.1% |
Jun | 4.05-4.33 | 4.20 | 3.7% | -30.6% |
Jul | 4.08-4.34 | 4.21 | 0.2% | -30.4% |
Aug | 4.21-4.54 | 4.41 | 4.8% | -27.1% |
Sep | 4.17-4.43 | 4.30 | -2.5% | -28.9% |
Oct | 4.06-4.32 | 4.19 | -2.6% | -30.7% |
Nov | 4.02-4.26 | 4.14 | -1.2% | -31.6% |
Dec | 3.99-4.23 | 4.11 | -0.7% | -32.1% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 3.76-4.11 | 3.88 | -5.6% | -35.9% |
Month | Low-High | Close | Mo,% | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Feb | 3.69-3.91 | 3.80 | -2.1% | -37.2% |
Mar | 3.31-3.80 | 3.41 | -10.3% | -43.6% |
Apr | 3.29-3.49 | 3.39 | -0.6% | -44.0% |
May | 3.15-3.39 | 3.25 | -4.1% | -46.3% |
Jun | 3.25-3.57 | 3.47 | 6.8% | -42.6% |
Jul | 3.47-4.07 | 3.95 | 13.8% | -34.7% |
Aug | 3.95-4.56 | 4.43 | 12.2% | -26.8% |
Sep | 3.99-4.43 | 4.11 | -7.2% | -32.1% |
Oct | 4.11-4.52 | 4.39 | 6.8% | -27.4% |
Nov | 4.06-4.39 | 4.19 | -4.6% | -30.7% |
Dec | 4.19-5.02 | 4.87 | 16.2% | -19.5% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 4.87-5.96 | 5.79 | 18.9% | -4.3% |
Feb | 5.79-6.28 | 6.10 | 5.4% | 0.8% |
Mar | 6.10-7.17 | 6.96 | 14.1% | 15.0% |
Apr | 6.58-6.98 | 6.78 | -2.6% | 12.1% |
May | 6.67-7.09 | 6.88 | 1.5% | 13.7% |
Jun | 6.88-7.30 | 7.09 | 3.1% | 17.2% |
Jul | 7.09-7.56 | 7.34 | 3.5% | 21.3% |
Aug | 7.34-7.84 | 7.61 | 3.7% | 25.8% |
Sep | 6.87-7.61 | 7.08 | -7.0% | 17.0% |
Oct | 6.84-7.26 | 7.05 | -0.4% | 16.5% |
Nov | 6.72-7.14 | 6.93 | -1.7% | 14.5% |
Dec | 6.33-6.93 | 6.53 | -5.8% | 7.9% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 6.53-7.06 | 6.85 | 4.9% | 13.2% |
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.24%, minimum 5.88%. The average for the month 6.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.06%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.23%, minimum 5.87%. The average for the month 6.05%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.05%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.41%, minimum 6.03%. The average for the month 6.18%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.22%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.38%, minimum 6.00%. The average for the month 6.20%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.19%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.34%, minimum 5.98%. The average for the month 6.17%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.16%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2025.
Maximum interest rate 6.16%, minimum 5.70%. The average for the month 5.98%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.88%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.88%, minimum 5.30%. The average for the month 5.63%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.46%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.46%, minimum 5.07%. The average for the month 5.31%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.23%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.30%, minimum 5.00%. The average for the month 5.17%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.15%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.22%, minimum 4.92%. The average for the month 5.09%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.07%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2025.
Maximum interest rate 5.34%, minimum 5.02%. The average for the month 5.15%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.18%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.18%, minimum 4.87%. The average for the month 5.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.02%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2026.
Maximum interest rate 5.07%, minimum 4.77%. The average for the month 4.95%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.92%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.92%, minimum 4.62%. The average for the month 4.81%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.76%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.76%, minimum 4.21%. The average for the month 4.52%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.34%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.34%, minimum 3.93%. The average for the month 4.17%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.05%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.33%, minimum 4.05%. The average for the month 4.16%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.20%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.34%, minimum 4.08%. The average for the month 4.21%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.21%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.54%, minimum 4.21%. The average for the month 4.34%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.41%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.43%, minimum 4.17%. The average for the month 4.33%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.30%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.32%, minimum 4.06%. The average for the month 4.22%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.19%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.26%, minimum 4.02%. The average for the month 4.15%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.14%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2026.
Maximum interest rate 4.23%, minimum 3.99%. The average for the month 4.12%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.11%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.11%, minimum 3.76%. The average for the month 3.97%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.88%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.91%, minimum 3.69%. The average for the month 3.82%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.80%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.80%, minimum 3.31%. The average for the month 3.58%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.41%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.49%, minimum 3.29%. The average for the month 3.40%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.39%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.39%, minimum 3.15%. The average for the month 3.30%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.25%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2027.
Maximum interest rate 3.57%, minimum 3.25%. The average for the month 3.39%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.47%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.07%, minimum 3.47%. The average for the month 3.74%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 3.95%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.56%, minimum 3.95%. The average for the month 4.22%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.43%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.43%, minimum 3.99%. The average for the month 4.24%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.11%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.52%, minimum 4.11%. The average for the month 4.28%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.39%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2027.
Maximum interest rate 4.39%, minimum 4.06%. The average for the month 4.26%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.19%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2027.
Maximum interest rate 5.02%, minimum 4.19%. The average for the month 4.57%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 4.87%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2028.
Maximum interest rate 5.96%, minimum 4.87%. The average for the month 5.37%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 5.79%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for February 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.28%, minimum 5.79%. The average for the month 5.99%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.10%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for March 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.17%, minimum 6.10%. The average for the month 6.58%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.96%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for April 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.98%, minimum 6.58%. The average for the month 6.83%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.78%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for May 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.09%, minimum 6.67%. The average for the month 6.86%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.88%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for June 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.30%, minimum 6.88%. The average for the month 7.04%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.09%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for July 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.56%, minimum 7.09%. The average for the month 7.27%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.34%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for August 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.84%, minimum 7.34%. The average for the month 7.53%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.61%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for September 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.61%, minimum 6.87%. The average for the month 7.29%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.08%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for October 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.26%, minimum 6.84%. The average for the month 7.06%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 7.05%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for November 2028.
Maximum interest rate 7.14%, minimum 6.72%. The average for the month 6.96%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.93%.
15-Year mortgage rate forecast for December 2028.
Maximum interest rate 6.93%, minimum 6.33%. The average for the month 6.68%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.53%.
Mortgage interest rate prediction for January 2029.
Maximum interest rate 7.06%, minimum 6.53%. The average for the month 6.74%. The mortgage rate forecast at the end of the month 6.85%.
The mortgage rates and forecast are updated weekly (Thursdays).