Norwegian Cruise Line stock closed at 27.2 dollars the previous day.
Norwegian Cruise Line Share Price Prediction For Next Months and Years
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for beginning 28.35 dollars. Maximum price 30.49, minimum 24.90. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 27.70. At the end 27.07 dollars, change for February -4.5%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for March 2025.
The forecast for beginning 27.07 dollars. Maximum price 30.33, minimum 23.41. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 26.94. At the end 26.94 dollars, change for March -0.5%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for beginning 26.94 dollars. Maximum price 32.05, minimum 26.94. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 28.90. At the end 29.68 dollars, change for April 10.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line Stock Prediction For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 28.35 | 24.90-30.49 | 27.07 | -4.5% |
Mar | 27.07 | 23.41-30.33 | 26.94 | -5.0% |
Apr | 26.94 | 26.94-32.05 | 29.68 | 4.7% |
May | 29.68 | 26.13-30.67 | 28.40 | 0.2% |
Jun | 28.40 | 28.23-33.15 | 30.69 | 8.3% |
Jul | 30.69 | 30.69-38.11 | 35.29 | 24.5% |
Aug | 35.29 | 35.29-42.45 | 39.31 | 38.7% |
Sep | 39.31 | 39.31-46.72 | 43.26 | 52.6% |
Oct | 43.26 | 40.00-46.96 | 43.48 | 53.4% |
Nov | 43.48 | 41.30-48.48 | 44.89 | 58.3% |
Dec | 44.89 | 42.84-50.30 | 46.57 | 64.3% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 46.57 | 46.51-54.59 | 50.55 | 78.3% |
Feb | 50.55 | 50.43-59.19 | 54.81 | 93.3% |
Mar | 54.81 | 51.84-60.86 | 56.35 | 98.8% |
Apr | 56.35 | 56.35-69.98 | 64.80 | 129% |
May | 64.80 | 64.80-80.48 | 74.52 | 163% |
Jun | 74.52 | 71.13-83.49 | 77.31 | 173% |
Jul | 77.31 | 74.85-87.87 | 81.36 | 187% |
Aug | 81.36 | 78.04-91.62 | 84.83 | 199% |
Sep | 84.83 | 80.07-93.99 | 87.03 | 207% |
Oct | 87.03 | 79.20-92.98 | 86.09 | 204% |
Nov | 86.09 | 82.15-96.43 | 89.29 | 215% |
Dec | 89.29 | 89.29-106.84 | 98.93 | 249% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 98.93 | 88.48-103.86 | 96.17 | 239% |
Feb | 96.17 | 85.01-99.79 | 92.40 | 226% |
Norwegian Cruise Line Stock Price Prediction For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 92.40 | 90.94-106.76 | 98.85 | 249% |
Apr | 98.85 | 77.30-98.85 | 84.02 | 196% |
May | 84.02 | 84.02-99.99 | 92.58 | 227% |
Jun | 92.58 | 81.50-95.68 | 88.59 | 213% |
Jul | 88.59 | 88.09-103.41 | 95.75 | 238% |
Aug | 95.75 | 95.75-118.92 | 110.11 | 288% |
Sep | 110.11 | 110.11-132.48 | 122.67 | 333% |
Oct | 122.67 | 122.67-145.81 | 135.01 | 376% |
Nov | 135.01 | 121.62-142.78 | 132.20 | 366% |
Dec | 132.20 | 125.56-147.40 | 136.48 | 381% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 136.48 | 106.73-136.48 | 116.01 | 309% |
Feb | 116.01 | 115.86-136.00 | 125.93 | 344% |
Mar | 125.93 | 125.63-147.47 | 136.55 | 382% |
Apr | 136.55 | 111.52-136.55 | 121.22 | 328% |
May | 121.22 | 121.22-150.55 | 139.40 | 392% |
Jun | 139.40 | 139.40-173.13 | 160.31 | 466% |
Jul | 160.31 | 125.36-160.31 | 136.26 | 381% |
Aug | 136.26 | 131.92-154.86 | 143.39 | 406% |
Sep | 143.39 | 137.54-161.46 | 149.50 | 427% |
Oct | 149.50 | 141.11-165.65 | 153.38 | 441% |
Nov | 153.38 | 139.58-163.86 | 151.72 | 435% |
Dec | 151.72 | 144.77-169.95 | 157.36 | 455% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 157.36 | 157.36-188.29 | 174.34 | 515% |
Feb | 174.34 | 155.91-183.03 | 169.47 | 498% |
Mar | 169.47 | 149.80-175.86 | 162.83 | 474% |
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for May 2025.
The forecast for beginning 29.68 dollars. Maximum price 30.67, minimum 26.13. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 28.72. At the end 28.40 dollars, change for May -4.3%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for beginning 28.40 dollars. Maximum price 33.15, minimum 28.23. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 30.12. At the end 30.69 dollars, change for June 8.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for July 2025.
The forecast for beginning 30.69 dollars. Maximum price 38.11, minimum 30.69. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 33.70. At the end 35.29 dollars, change for July 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for beginning 35.29 dollars. Maximum price 42.45, minimum 35.29. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 38.09. At the end 39.31 dollars, change for August 11.4%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for September 2025.
The forecast for beginning 39.31 dollars. Maximum price 46.72, minimum 39.31. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 42.15. At the end 43.26 dollars, change for September 10.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for beginning 43.26 dollars. Maximum price 46.96, minimum 40.00. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 43.43. At the end 43.48 dollars, change for October 0.5%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for November 2025.
The forecast for beginning 43.48 dollars. Maximum price 48.48, minimum 41.30. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 44.54. At the end 44.89 dollars, change for November 3.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for beginning 44.89 dollars. Maximum price 50.30, minimum 42.84. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 46.15. At the end 46.57 dollars, change for December 3.7%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for January 2026.
The forecast for beginning 46.57 dollars. Maximum price 54.59, minimum 46.51. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 49.56. At the end 50.55 dollars, change for January 8.5%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for beginning 50.55 dollars. Maximum price 59.19, minimum 50.43. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 53.75. At the end 54.81 dollars, change for February 8.4%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for March 2026.
The forecast for beginning 54.81 dollars. Maximum price 60.86, minimum 51.84. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 55.97. At the end 56.35 dollars, change for March 2.8%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for beginning 56.35 dollars. Maximum price 69.98, minimum 56.35. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 61.87. At the end 64.80 dollars, change for April 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for May 2026.
The forecast for beginning 64.80 dollars. Maximum price 80.48, minimum 64.80. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 71.15. At the end 74.52 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for beginning 74.52 dollars. Maximum price 83.49, minimum 71.13. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 76.61. At the end 77.31 dollars, change for June 3.7%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for July 2026.
The forecast for beginning 77.31 dollars. Maximum price 87.87, minimum 74.85. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 80.35. At the end 81.36 dollars, change for July 5.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for beginning 81.36 dollars. Maximum price 91.62, minimum 78.04. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 83.96. At the end 84.83 dollars, change for August 4.3%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for September 2026.
The forecast for beginning 84.83 dollars. Maximum price 93.99, minimum 80.07. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 86.48. At the end 87.03 dollars, change for September 2.6%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for beginning 87.03 dollars. Maximum price 92.98, minimum 79.20. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 86.33. At the end 86.09 dollars, change for October -1.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for November 2026.
The forecast for beginning 86.09 dollars. Maximum price 96.43, minimum 82.15. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 88.49. At the end 89.29 dollars, change for November 3.7%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for beginning 89.29 dollars. Maximum price 106.84, minimum 89.29. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 96.09. At the end 98.93 dollars, change for December 10.8%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for January 2027.
The forecast for beginning 98.93 dollars. Maximum price 103.86, minimum 88.48. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 96.86. At the end 96.17 dollars, change for January -2.8%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for beginning 96.17 dollars. Maximum price 99.79, minimum 85.01. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 93.34. At the end 92.40 dollars, change for February -3.9%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for March 2027.
The forecast for beginning 92.40 dollars. Maximum price 106.76, minimum 90.94. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 97.24. At the end 98.85 dollars, change for March 7.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for beginning 98.85 dollars. Maximum price 98.85, minimum 77.30. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 89.76. At the end 84.02 dollars, change for April -15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for May 2027.
The forecast for beginning 84.02 dollars. Maximum price 99.99, minimum 84.02. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 90.15. At the end 92.58 dollars, change for May 10.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for beginning 92.58 dollars. Maximum price 95.68, minimum 81.50. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 89.59. At the end 88.59 dollars, change for June -4.3%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for July 2027.
The forecast for beginning 88.59 dollars. Maximum price 103.41, minimum 88.09. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 93.96. At the end 95.75 dollars, change for July 8.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for beginning 95.75 dollars. Maximum price 118.92, minimum 95.75. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 105.13. At the end 110.11 dollars, change for August 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for September 2027.
The forecast for beginning 110.11 dollars. Maximum price 132.48, minimum 110.11. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 118.84. At the end 122.67 dollars, change for September 11.4%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for beginning 122.67 dollars. Maximum price 145.81, minimum 122.67. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 131.54. At the end 135.01 dollars, change for October 10.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for November 2027.
The forecast for beginning 135.01 dollars. Maximum price 142.78, minimum 121.62. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 132.90. At the end 132.20 dollars, change for November -2.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for beginning 132.20 dollars. Maximum price 147.40, minimum 125.56. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 135.41. At the end 136.48 dollars, change for December 3.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for January 2028.
The forecast for beginning 136.48 dollars. Maximum price 136.48, minimum 106.73. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 123.93. At the end 116.01 dollars, change for January -15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for beginning 116.01 dollars. Maximum price 136.00, minimum 115.86. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 123.45. At the end 125.93 dollars, change for February 8.6%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for March 2028.
The forecast for beginning 125.93 dollars. Maximum price 147.47, minimum 125.63. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 133.90. At the end 136.55 dollars, change for March 8.4%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for beginning 136.55 dollars. Maximum price 136.55, minimum 111.52. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 126.46. At the end 121.22 dollars, change for April -11.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for May 2028.
The forecast for beginning 121.22 dollars. Maximum price 150.55, minimum 121.22. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 133.10. At the end 139.40 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for beginning 139.40 dollars. Maximum price 173.13, minimum 139.40. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 153.06. At the end 160.31 dollars, change for June 15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for July 2028.
The forecast for beginning 160.31 dollars. Maximum price 160.31, minimum 125.36. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 145.56. At the end 136.26 dollars, change for July -15.0%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for beginning 136.26 dollars. Maximum price 154.86, minimum 131.92. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 141.61. At the end 143.39 dollars, change for August 5.2%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for September 2028.
The forecast for beginning 143.39 dollars. Maximum price 161.46, minimum 137.54. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 147.97. At the end 149.50 dollars, change for September 4.3%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for beginning 149.50 dollars. Maximum price 165.65, minimum 141.11. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 152.41. At the end 153.38 dollars, change for October 2.6%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for November 2028.
The forecast for beginning 153.38 dollars. Maximum price 163.86, minimum 139.58. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 152.14. At the end 151.72 dollars, change for November -1.1%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock price forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for beginning 151.72 dollars. Maximum price 169.95, minimum 144.77. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 155.95. At the end 157.36 dollars, change for December 3.7%.
Norwegian Cruise Line stock prediction for January 2029.
The forecast for beginning 157.36 dollars. Maximum price 188.29, minimum 157.36. Averaged Norwegian Cruise Line stock price for the month 169.34. At the end 174.34 dollars, change for January 10.8%.