2025/02/19. Silver Price Today.
Actual Silver price equal to 33.34 dollars per 1 troy ounce. Today’s price range: 33.14 – 33.46. The previous day close: $33.37, the change was -0.03, -0.09%. Silver price per 1 gram here.
Silver Price Forecast For 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 32.24 | 31.61-36.49 | 34.75 | 7.8% |
Mar | 34.75 | 32.34-38.44 | 36.10 | 12.0% |
Apr | 36.10 | 36.10-40.26 | 38.34 | 18.9% |
May | 38.34 | 34.30-38.34 | 36.10 | 12.0% |
Jun | 36.10 | 32.51-36.10 | 34.22 | 6.1% |
Jul | 34.22 | 33.94-37.52 | 35.73 | 10.8% |
Aug | 35.73 | 35.73-39.85 | 37.95 | 17.7% |
Sep | 37.95 | 36.15-39.95 | 38.05 | 18.0% |
Oct | 38.05 | 35.82-39.60 | 37.71 | 17.0% |
Nov | 37.71 | 34.50-38.14 | 36.32 | 12.7% |
Dec | 36.32 | 36.32-40.50 | 38.57 | 19.6% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 38.57 | 38.57-42.87 | 40.83 | 26.6% |
Feb | 40.83 | 40.83-45.53 | 43.36 | 34.5% |
Mar | 43.36 | 40.47-44.73 | 42.60 | 32.1% |
Apr | 42.60 | 38.85-42.93 | 40.89 | 26.8% |
May | 40.89 | 36.84-40.89 | 38.78 | 20.3% |
Jun | 38.78 | 38.78-43.24 | 41.18 | 27.7% |
Jul | 41.18 | 40.12-44.34 | 42.23 | 31.0% |
Aug | 42.23 | 37.63-42.23 | 39.61 | 22.9% |
Sep | 39.61 | 37.52-41.46 | 39.49 | 22.5% |
Oct | 39.49 | 39.49-44.04 | 41.94 | 30.1% |
Nov | 41.94 | 38.38-42.42 | 40.40 | 25.3% |
Dec | 40.40 | 36.01-40.40 | 37.90 | 17.6% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 37.90 | 37.64-41.60 | 39.62 | 22.9% |
Feb | 39.62 | 39.62-44.18 | 42.08 | 30.5% |
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 42.08 | 37.50-42.08 | 39.47 | 22.4% |
Apr | 39.47 | 36.95-40.83 | 38.89 | 20.6% |
May | 38.89 | 38.89-43.37 | 41.30 | 28.1% |
Jun | 41.30 | 41.30-46.05 | 43.86 | 36.0% |
Jul | 43.86 | 41.90-46.31 | 44.10 | 36.8% |
Aug | 44.10 | 44.10-49.17 | 46.83 | 45.3% |
Sep | 46.83 | 41.73-46.83 | 43.93 | 36.3% |
Oct | 43.93 | 41.92-46.34 | 44.13 | 36.9% |
Nov | 44.13 | 39.40-44.13 | 41.47 | 28.6% |
Dec | 41.47 | 37.25-41.47 | 39.21 | 21.6% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 39.21 | 34.94-39.21 | 36.78 | 14.1% |
Feb | 36.78 | 35.61-39.35 | 37.48 | 16.3% |
Mar | 37.48 | 37.48-41.79 | 39.80 | 23.4% |
Apr | 39.80 | 36.38-40.20 | 38.29 | 18.8% |
May | 38.29 | 37.28-41.20 | 39.24 | 21.7% |
Jun | 39.24 | 35.44-39.24 | 37.31 | 15.7% |
Jul | 37.31 | 37.31-41.60 | 39.62 | 22.9% |
Aug | 39.62 | 35.37-39.62 | 37.23 | 15.5% |
Sep | 37.23 | 33.17-37.23 | 34.92 | 8.3% |
Oct | 34.92 | 32.28-35.68 | 33.98 | 5.4% |
Nov | 33.98 | 30.28-33.98 | 31.87 | -1.1% |
Dec | 31.87 | 31.87-35.54 | 33.85 | 5.0% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 33.85 | 33.85-37.75 | 35.95 | 11.5% |
Feb | 35.95 | 32.03-35.95 | 33.72 | 4.6% |
Mar | 33.72 | 31.61-34.93 | 33.27 | 3.2% |
Silver price forecast for February 2025.
In the beginning price at 32.24 dollars. High price 36.49, low 31.61. The averaged for the month 33.77. At the end of February 34.75, change 7.8%.
Silver price prediction for March 2025.
In the beginning price at 34.75 dollars. High price 38.44, low 32.34. The averaged for the month 35.41. At the end of March 36.10, change 3.9%.
Silver price forecast for April 2025.
In the beginning price at 36.10 dollars. High price 40.26, low 36.10. The averaged for the month 37.70. At the end of April 38.34, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for May 2025.
In the beginning price at 38.34 dollars. High price 38.34, low 34.30. The averaged for the month 36.77. At the end of May 36.10, change -5.8%.
Silver price forecast for June 2025.
In the beginning price at 36.10 dollars. High price 36.10, low 32.51. The averaged for the month 34.73. At the end of June 34.22, change -5.2%.
Silver price prediction for July 2025.
In the beginning price at 34.22 dollars. High price 37.52, low 33.94. The averaged for the month 35.35. At the end of July 35.73, change 4.4%.
Silver price forecast for August 2025.
In the beginning price at 35.73 dollars. High price 39.85, low 35.73. The averaged for the month 37.32. At the end of August 37.95, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for September 2025.
In the beginning price at 37.95 dollars. High price 39.95, low 36.15. The averaged for the month 38.03. At the end of September 38.05, change 0.3%.
Silver price forecast for October 2025.
In the beginning price at 38.05 dollars. High price 39.60, low 35.82. The averaged for the month 37.80. At the end of October 37.71, change -0.9%.
Silver price prediction for November 2025.
In the beginning price at 37.71 dollars. High price 38.14, low 34.50. The averaged for the month 36.67. At the end of November 36.32, change -3.7%.
Silver price forecast for December 2025.
In the beginning price at 36.32 dollars. High price 40.50, low 36.32. The averaged for the month 37.93. At the end of December 38.57, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for January 2026.
In the beginning price at 38.57 dollars. High price 42.87, low 38.57. The averaged for the month 40.21. At the end of January 40.83, change 5.9%.
Silver price forecast for February 2026.
In the beginning price at 40.83 dollars. High price 45.53, low 40.83. The averaged for the month 42.64. At the end of February 43.36, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for March 2026.
In the beginning price at 43.36 dollars. High price 44.73, low 40.47. The averaged for the month 42.79. At the end of March 42.60, change -1.8%.
Silver price forecast for April 2026.
In the beginning price at 42.60 dollars. High price 42.93, low 38.85. The averaged for the month 41.32. At the end of April 40.89, change -4.0%.
Silver price prediction for May 2026.
In the beginning price at 40.89 dollars. High price 40.89, low 36.84. The averaged for the month 39.35. At the end of May 38.78, change -5.2%.
Silver price forecast for June 2026.
In the beginning price at 38.78 dollars. High price 43.24, low 38.78. The averaged for the month 40.50. At the end of June 41.18, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for July 2026.
In the beginning price at 41.18 dollars. High price 44.34, low 40.12. The averaged for the month 41.97. At the end of July 42.23, change 2.5%.
Silver price forecast for August 2026.
In the beginning price at 42.23 dollars. High price 42.23, low 37.63. The averaged for the month 40.43. At the end of August 39.61, change -6.2%.
Silver price prediction for September 2026.
In the beginning price at 39.61 dollars. High price 41.46, low 37.52. The averaged for the month 39.52. At the end of September 39.49, change -0.3%.
Silver price forecast for October 2026.
In the beginning price at 39.49 dollars. High price 44.04, low 39.49. The averaged for the month 41.24. At the end of October 41.94, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for November 2026.
In the beginning price at 41.94 dollars. High price 42.42, low 38.38. The averaged for the month 40.79. At the end of November 40.40, change -3.7%.
Silver price forecast for December 2026.
In the beginning price at 40.40 dollars. High price 40.40, low 36.01. The averaged for the month 38.68. At the end of December 37.90, change -6.2%.
Silver price prediction for January 2027.
In the beginning price at 37.90 dollars. High price 41.60, low 37.64. The averaged for the month 39.19. At the end of January 39.62, change 4.5%.
Silver price forecast for February 2027.
In the beginning price at 39.62 dollars. High price 44.18, low 39.62. The averaged for the month 41.38. At the end of February 42.08, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for March 2027.
In the beginning price at 42.08 dollars. High price 42.08, low 37.50. The averaged for the month 40.28. At the end of March 39.47, change -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for April 2027.
In the beginning price at 39.47 dollars. High price 40.83, low 36.95. The averaged for the month 39.04. At the end of April 38.89, change -1.5%.
Silver price prediction for May 2027.
In the beginning price at 38.89 dollars. High price 43.37, low 38.89. The averaged for the month 40.61. At the end of May 41.30, change 6.2%.
Silver price forecast for June 2027.
In the beginning price at 41.30 dollars. High price 46.05, low 41.30. The averaged for the month 43.13. At the end of June 43.86, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for July 2027.
In the beginning price at 43.86 dollars. High price 46.31, low 41.90. The averaged for the month 44.04. At the end of July 44.10, change 0.5%.
Silver price forecast for August 2027.
In the beginning price at 44.10 dollars. High price 49.17, low 44.10. The averaged for the month 46.05. At the end of August 46.83, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for September 2027.
In the beginning price at 46.83 dollars. High price 46.83, low 41.73. The averaged for the month 44.83. At the end of September 43.93, change -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for October 2027.
In the beginning price at 43.93 dollars. High price 46.34, low 41.92. The averaged for the month 44.08. At the end of October 44.13, change 0.5%.
Silver price prediction for November 2027.
In the beginning price at 44.13 dollars. High price 44.13, low 39.40. The averaged for the month 42.28. At the end of November 41.47, change -6.0%.
Silver price forecast for December 2027.
In the beginning price at 41.47 dollars. High price 41.47, low 37.25. The averaged for the month 39.85. At the end of December 39.21, change -5.4%.
Silver price prediction for January 2028.
In the beginning price at 39.21 dollars. High price 39.21, low 34.94. The averaged for the month 37.54. At the end of January 36.78, change -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for February 2028.
In the beginning price at 36.78 dollars. High price 39.35, low 35.61. The averaged for the month 37.31. At the end of February 37.48, change 1.9%.
Silver price prediction for March 2028.
In the beginning price at 37.48 dollars. High price 41.79, low 37.48. The averaged for the month 39.14. At the end of March 39.80, change 6.2%.
Silver price forecast for April 2028.
In the beginning price at 39.80 dollars. High price 40.20, low 36.38. The averaged for the month 38.67. At the end of April 38.29, change -3.8%.
Silver price prediction for May 2028.
In the beginning price at 38.29 dollars. High price 41.20, low 37.28. The averaged for the month 39.00. At the end of May 39.24, change 2.5%.
Silver price forecast for June 2028.
In the beginning price at 39.24 dollars. High price 39.24, low 35.44. The averaged for the month 37.81. At the end of June 37.31, change -4.9%.
Silver price prediction for July 2028.
In the beginning price at 37.31 dollars. High price 41.60, low 37.31. The averaged for the month 38.96. At the end of July 39.62, change 6.2%.
Silver price forecast for August 2028.
In the beginning price at 39.62 dollars. High price 39.62, low 35.37. The averaged for the month 37.96. At the end of August 37.23, change -6.0%.
Silver price prediction for September 2028.
In the beginning price at 37.23 dollars. High price 37.23, low 33.17. The averaged for the month 35.64. At the end of September 34.92, change -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for October 2028.
In the beginning price at 34.92 dollars. High price 35.68, low 32.28. The averaged for the month 34.22. At the end of October 33.98, change -2.7%.
Silver price prediction for November 2028.
In the beginning price at 33.98 dollars. High price 33.98, low 30.28. The averaged for the month 32.53. At the end of November 31.87, change -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for December 2028.
In the beginning price at 31.87 dollars. High price 35.54, low 31.87. The averaged for the month 33.28. At the end of December 33.85, change 6.2%.
Silver price prediction for January 2029.
In the beginning price at 33.85 dollars. High price 37.75, low 33.85. The averaged for the month 35.35. At the end of January 35.95, change 6.2%.
Silver price forecast for February 2029.
In the beginning price at 35.95 dollars. High price 35.95, low 32.03. The averaged for the month 34.41. At the end of February 33.72, change -6.2%.
Silver price prediction for March 2029.
In the beginning price at 33.72 dollars. High price 34.93, low 31.61. The averaged for the month 33.38. At the end of March 33.27, change -1.3%.
Silver Price Per 1 Gram Today.
Actual Silver price equal to 1.07 dollars per 1 gram.
Silver Forecast For 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 1.04 | 1.17-1.02 | 1.12 | 8.1% |
Mar | 1.12 | 1.24-1.04 | 1.16 | 11.9% |
Apr | 1.16 | 1.29-1.16 | 1.23 | 18.7% |
May | 1.23 | 1.23-1.10 | 1.16 | 11.9% |
Jun | 1.16 | 1.16-1.05 | 1.10 | 6.1% |
Jul | 1.10 | 1.21-1.09 | 1.15 | 10.9% |
Aug | 1.15 | 1.28-1.15 | 1.22 | 17.7% |
Sep | 1.22 | 1.28-1.16 | 1.22 | 17.7% |
Oct | 1.22 | 1.27-1.15 | 1.21 | 16.7% |
Nov | 1.21 | 1.23-1.11 | 1.17 | 12.9% |
Dec | 1.17 | 1.30-1.17 | 1.24 | 19.6% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 1.24 | 1.38-1.24 | 1.31 | 26.4% |
Feb | 1.31 | 1.46-1.31 | 1.39 | 34.1% |
Mar | 1.39 | 1.44-1.30 | 1.37 | 32.2% |
Apr | 1.37 | 1.38-1.25 | 1.31 | 26.4% |
May | 1.31 | 1.31-1.18 | 1.25 | 20.6% |
Jun | 1.25 | 1.39-1.25 | 1.32 | 27.3% |
Jul | 1.32 | 1.43-1.29 | 1.36 | 31.2% |
Aug | 1.36 | 1.36-1.21 | 1.27 | 22.5% |
Sep | 1.27 | 1.33-1.21 | 1.27 | 22.5% |
Oct | 1.27 | 1.42-1.27 | 1.35 | 30.2% |
Nov | 1.35 | 1.36-1.23 | 1.30 | 25.4% |
Dec | 1.30 | 1.30-1.16 | 1.22 | 17.7% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 1.22 | 1.34-1.21 | 1.27 | 22.5% |
Feb | 1.27 | 1.42-1.27 | 1.35 | 30.2% |
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 1.35 | 1.35-1.21 | 1.27 | 22.5% |
Apr | 1.27 | 1.31-1.19 | 1.25 | 20.6% |
May | 1.25 | 1.39-1.25 | 1.33 | 28.3% |
Jun | 1.33 | 1.48-1.33 | 1.41 | 36.0% |
Jul | 1.41 | 1.49-1.35 | 1.42 | 37.0% |
Aug | 1.42 | 1.58-1.42 | 1.51 | 45.7% |
Sep | 1.51 | 1.51-1.34 | 1.41 | 36.0% |
Oct | 1.41 | 1.49-1.35 | 1.42 | 37.0% |
Nov | 1.42 | 1.42-1.27 | 1.33 | 28.3% |
Dec | 1.33 | 1.33-1.20 | 1.26 | 21.6% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 1.26 | 1.26-1.12 | 1.18 | 13.8% |
Feb | 1.18 | 1.27-1.14 | 1.21 | 16.7% |
Mar | 1.21 | 1.34-1.21 | 1.28 | 23.5% |
Apr | 1.28 | 1.29-1.17 | 1.23 | 18.7% |
May | 1.23 | 1.32-1.20 | 1.26 | 21.6% |
Jun | 1.26 | 1.26-1.14 | 1.20 | 15.8% |
Jul | 1.20 | 1.34-1.20 | 1.27 | 22.5% |
Aug | 1.27 | 1.27-1.14 | 1.20 | 15.8% |
Sep | 1.20 | 1.20-1.07 | 1.12 | 8.1% |
Oct | 1.12 | 1.15-1.04 | 1.09 | 5.2% |
Nov | 1.09 | 1.09-0.97 | 1.02 | -1.6% |
Dec | 1.02 | 1.14-1.02 | 1.09 | 5.2% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 1.09 | 1.21-1.09 | 1.16 | 11.9% |
Feb | 1.16 | 1.16-1.03 | 1.08 | 4.2% |
Mar | 1.08 | 1.12-1.02 | 1.07 | 3.2% |
Silver price prediction for February 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.04 dollars. High 1.02, low 1.17. The averaged price 1.09. At the end of the month 1.12, change for February 7.7%.
Silver price forecast for March 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.12 dollars. High 1.04, low 1.24. The averaged price 1.14. At the end of the month 1.16, change for March 3.6%.
Silver price prediction for April 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.16 dollars. High 1.16, low 1.29. The averaged price 1.21. At the end of the month 1.23, change for April 6.0%.
Silver price forecast for May 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.23 dollars. High 1.10, low 1.23. The averaged price 1.18. At the end of the month 1.16, change for May -5.7%.
Silver price prediction for June 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.16 dollars. High 1.05, low 1.16. The averaged price 1.12. At the end of the month 1.10, change for June -5.2%.
Silver price forecast for July 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.10 dollars. High 1.09, low 1.21. The averaged price 1.14. At the end of the month 1.15, change for July 4.5%.
Silver price prediction for August 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.15 dollars. High 1.15, low 1.28. The averaged price 1.20. At the end of the month 1.22, change for August 6.1%.
Silver price forecast for September 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.22 dollars. High 1.16, low 1.28. The averaged price 1.22. At the end of the month 1.22, change for September 0.0%.
Silver price prediction for October 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.22 dollars. High 1.15, low 1.27. The averaged price 1.21. At the end of the month 1.21, change for October -0.8%.
Silver price forecast for November 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.21 dollars. High 1.11, low 1.23. The averaged price 1.18. At the end of the month 1.17, change for November -3.3%.
Silver price prediction for December 2025.
In the beginning price at 1.17 dollars. High 1.17, low 1.30. The averaged price 1.22. At the end of the month 1.24, change for December 6.0%.
Silver price forecast for January 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.24 dollars. High 1.24, low 1.38. The averaged price 1.29. At the end of the month 1.31, change for January 5.6%.
Silver price prediction for February 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.31 dollars. High 1.31, low 1.46. The averaged price 1.37. At the end of the month 1.39, change for February 6.1%.
Silver price forecast for March 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.39 dollars. High 1.30, low 1.44. The averaged price 1.38. At the end of the month 1.37, change for March -1.4%.
Silver price prediction for April 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.37 dollars. High 1.25, low 1.38. The averaged price 1.33. At the end of the month 1.31, change for April -4.4%.
Silver price forecast for May 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.31 dollars. High 1.18, low 1.31. The averaged price 1.26. At the end of the month 1.25, change for May -4.6%.
Silver price prediction for June 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.25 dollars. High 1.25, low 1.39. The averaged price 1.30. At the end of the month 1.32, change for June 5.6%.
Silver price forecast for July 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.32 dollars. High 1.29, low 1.43. The averaged price 1.35. At the end of the month 1.36, change for July 3.0%.
Silver price prediction for August 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.36 dollars. High 1.21, low 1.36. The averaged price 1.30. At the end of the month 1.27, change for August -6.6%.
Silver price forecast for September 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.27 dollars. High 1.21, low 1.33. The averaged price 1.27. At the end of the month 1.27, change for September 0.0%.
Silver price prediction for October 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.27 dollars. High 1.27, low 1.42. The averaged price 1.33. At the end of the month 1.35, change for October 6.3%.
Silver price forecast for November 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.35 dollars. High 1.23, low 1.36. The averaged price 1.31. At the end of the month 1.30, change for November -3.7%.
Silver price prediction for December 2026.
In the beginning price at 1.30 dollars. High 1.16, low 1.30. The averaged price 1.25. At the end of the month 1.22, change for December -6.2%.
Silver price forecast for January 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.22 dollars. High 1.21, low 1.34. The averaged price 1.26. At the end of the month 1.27, change for January 4.1%.
Silver price prediction for February 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.27 dollars. High 1.27, low 1.42. The averaged price 1.33. At the end of the month 1.35, change for February 6.3%.
Silver price forecast for March 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.35 dollars. High 1.21, low 1.35. The averaged price 1.30. At the end of the month 1.27, change for March -5.9%.
Silver price prediction for April 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.27 dollars. High 1.19, low 1.31. The averaged price 1.26. At the end of the month 1.25, change for April -1.6%.
Silver price forecast for May 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.25 dollars. High 1.25, low 1.39. The averaged price 1.31. At the end of the month 1.33, change for May 6.4%.
Silver price prediction for June 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.33 dollars. High 1.33, low 1.48. The averaged price 1.39. At the end of the month 1.41, change for June 6.0%.
Silver price forecast for July 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.41 dollars. High 1.35, low 1.49. The averaged price 1.42. At the end of the month 1.42, change for July 0.7%.
Silver price prediction for August 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.42 dollars. High 1.42, low 1.58. The averaged price 1.48. At the end of the month 1.51, change for August 6.3%.
Silver price forecast for September 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.51 dollars. High 1.34, low 1.51. The averaged price 1.44. At the end of the month 1.41, change for September -6.6%.
Silver price prediction for October 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.41 dollars. High 1.35, low 1.49. The averaged price 1.42. At the end of the month 1.42, change for October 0.7%.
Silver price forecast for November 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.42 dollars. High 1.27, low 1.42. The averaged price 1.36. At the end of the month 1.33, change for November -6.3%.
Silver price prediction for December 2027.
In the beginning price at 1.33 dollars. High 1.20, low 1.33. The averaged price 1.28. At the end of the month 1.26, change for December -5.3%.
Silver price forecast for January 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.26 dollars. High 1.12, low 1.26. The averaged price 1.21. At the end of the month 1.18, change for January -6.3%.
Silver price prediction for February 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.18 dollars. High 1.14, low 1.27. The averaged price 1.20. At the end of the month 1.21, change for February 2.5%.
Silver price forecast for March 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.21 dollars. High 1.21, low 1.34. The averaged price 1.26. At the end of the month 1.28, change for March 5.8%.
Silver price prediction for April 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.28 dollars. High 1.17, low 1.29. The averaged price 1.24. At the end of the month 1.23, change for April -3.9%.
Silver price forecast for May 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.23 dollars. High 1.20, low 1.32. The averaged price 1.25. At the end of the month 1.26, change for May 2.4%.
Silver price prediction for June 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.26 dollars. High 1.14, low 1.26. The averaged price 1.22. At the end of the month 1.20, change for June -4.8%.
Silver price forecast for July 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.20 dollars. High 1.20, low 1.34. The averaged price 1.25. At the end of the month 1.27, change for July 5.8%.
Silver price prediction for August 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.27 dollars. High 1.14, low 1.27. The averaged price 1.22. At the end of the month 1.20, change for August -5.5%.
Silver price forecast for September 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.20 dollars. High 1.07, low 1.20. The averaged price 1.15. At the end of the month 1.12, change for September -6.7%.
Silver price prediction for October 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.12 dollars. High 1.04, low 1.15. The averaged price 1.10. At the end of the month 1.09, change for October -2.7%.
Silver price forecast for November 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.09 dollars. High 0.97, low 1.09. The averaged price 1.04. At the end of the month 1.02, change for November -6.4%.
Silver price prediction for December 2028.
In the beginning price at 1.02 dollars. High 1.02, low 1.14. The averaged price 1.07. At the end of the month 1.09, change for December 6.9%.
Silver price forecast for January 2029.
In the beginning price at 1.09 dollars. High 1.09, low 1.21. The averaged price 1.14. At the end of the month 1.16, change for January 6.4%.
Silver price prediction for February 2029.
In the beginning price at 1.16 dollars. High 1.03, low 1.16. The averaged price 1.11. At the end of the month 1.08, change for February -6.9%.
Silver price forecast for March 2029.
In the beginning price at 1.08 dollars. High 1.02, low 1.12. The averaged price 1.07. At the end of the month 1.07, change for March -0.9%.