SoFi stock closed at 16.83 dollars the previous day.
SoFi Share Price Prediction For Next Months and Years
SoFi stock price forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for beginning 15.78 dollars. Maximum price 20.37, minimum 14.42. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 17.31. At the end 18.68 dollars, change for February 18.4%.
SoFi stock prediction for March 2025.
The forecast for beginning 18.68 dollars. Maximum price 22.39, minimum 15.05. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 19.21. At the end 20.73 dollars, change for March 11.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for beginning 20.73 dollars. Maximum price 22.94, minimum 19.54. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 21.11. At the end 21.24 dollars, change for April 2.5%.
SoFi Stock Prediction For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 15.78 | 14.42-20.37 | 18.68 | 18.4% |
Mar | 18.68 | 15.05-22.39 | 20.73 | 31.4% |
Apr | 20.73 | 19.54-22.94 | 21.24 | 34.6% |
May | 21.24 | 18.34-21.52 | 19.93 | 26.3% |
Jun | 19.93 | 19.93-24.75 | 22.92 | 45.2% |
Jul | 22.92 | 22.92-28.47 | 26.36 | 67.0% |
Aug | 26.36 | 24.53-28.79 | 26.66 | 68.9% |
Sep | 26.66 | 26.66-33.11 | 30.66 | 94.3% |
Oct | 30.66 | 28.22-33.12 | 30.67 | 94.4% |
Nov | 30.67 | 28.23-33.15 | 30.69 | 94.5% |
Dec | 30.69 | 28.53-33.49 | 31.01 | 96.5% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 31.01 | 29.60-34.74 | 32.17 | 104% |
Feb | 32.17 | 32.17-39.96 | 37.00 | 135% |
Mar | 37.00 | 35.32-41.46 | 38.39 | 143% |
Apr | 38.39 | 38.39-47.68 | 44.15 | 180% |
May | 44.15 | 41.96-49.26 | 45.61 | 189% |
Jun | 45.61 | 42.50-49.90 | 46.20 | 193% |
Jul | 46.20 | 38.64-46.20 | 42.00 | 166% |
Aug | 42.00 | 32.84-42.00 | 35.70 | 126% |
Sep | 35.70 | 35.70-44.34 | 41.06 | 160% |
Oct | 41.06 | 38.51-45.21 | 41.86 | 165% |
Nov | 41.86 | 40.13-47.11 | 43.62 | 176% |
Dec | 43.62 | 41.18-48.34 | 44.76 | 184% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 44.76 | 40.70-47.78 | 44.24 | 180% |
Feb | 44.24 | 42.23-49.57 | 45.90 | 191% |
SoFi Stock Price Prediction For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 45.90 | 45.90-54.86 | 50.80 | 222% |
Apr | 50.80 | 39.73-50.80 | 43.18 | 174% |
May | 43.18 | 40.71-47.79 | 44.25 | 180% |
Jun | 44.25 | 38.21-44.85 | 41.53 | 163% |
Jul | 41.53 | 41.53-51.58 | 47.76 | 203% |
Aug | 47.76 | 47.76-59.31 | 54.92 | 248% |
Sep | 54.92 | 48.25-56.65 | 52.45 | 232% |
Oct | 52.45 | 52.45-65.15 | 60.32 | 282% |
Nov | 60.32 | 55.46-65.10 | 60.28 | 282% |
Dec | 60.28 | 55.30-64.92 | 60.11 | 281% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 60.11 | 53.00-62.22 | 57.61 | 265% |
Feb | 57.61 | 45.05-57.61 | 48.97 | 210% |
Mar | 48.97 | 48.97-60.83 | 56.32 | 257% |
Apr | 56.32 | 44.04-56.32 | 47.87 | 203% |
May | 47.87 | 47.87-59.45 | 55.05 | 249% |
Jun | 55.05 | 52.32-61.42 | 56.87 | 260% |
Jul | 56.87 | 49.63-58.27 | 53.95 | 242% |
Aug | 53.95 | 45.12-53.95 | 49.04 | 211% |
Sep | 49.04 | 38.35-49.04 | 41.68 | 164% |
Oct | 41.68 | 41.68-51.76 | 47.93 | 204% |
Nov | 47.93 | 44.96-52.78 | 48.87 | 210% |
Dec | 48.87 | 46.85-54.99 | 50.92 | 223% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 50.92 | 48.07-56.43 | 52.25 | 231% |
Feb | 52.25 | 47.51-55.77 | 51.64 | 227% |
Mar | 51.64 | 49.29-57.87 | 53.58 | 240% |
SoFi stock prediction for May 2025.
The forecast for beginning 21.24 dollars. Maximum price 21.52, minimum 18.34. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 20.26. At the end 19.93 dollars, change for May -6.2%.
SoFi stock price forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for beginning 19.93 dollars. Maximum price 24.75, minimum 19.93. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 21.88. At the end 22.92 dollars, change for June 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for July 2025.
The forecast for beginning 22.92 dollars. Maximum price 28.47, minimum 22.92. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 25.17. At the end 26.36 dollars, change for July 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for beginning 26.36 dollars. Maximum price 28.79, minimum 24.53. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 26.59. At the end 26.66 dollars, change for August 1.1%.
SoFi stock prediction for September 2025.
The forecast for beginning 26.66 dollars. Maximum price 33.11, minimum 26.66. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 29.27. At the end 30.66 dollars, change for September 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for beginning 30.66 dollars. Maximum price 33.12, minimum 28.22. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 30.67. At the end 30.67 dollars, change for October 0.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for November 2025.
The forecast for beginning 30.67 dollars. Maximum price 33.15, minimum 28.23. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 30.69. At the end 30.69 dollars, change for November 0.1%.
SoFi stock price forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for beginning 30.69 dollars. Maximum price 33.49, minimum 28.53. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 30.93. At the end 31.01 dollars, change for December 1.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for January 2026.
The forecast for beginning 31.01 dollars. Maximum price 34.74, minimum 29.60. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 31.88. At the end 32.17 dollars, change for January 3.7%.
SoFi stock price forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for beginning 32.17 dollars. Maximum price 39.96, minimum 32.17. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 35.33. At the end 37.00 dollars, change for February 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for March 2026.
The forecast for beginning 37.00 dollars. Maximum price 41.46, minimum 35.32. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 38.04. At the end 38.39 dollars, change for March 3.8%.
SoFi stock price forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for beginning 38.39 dollars. Maximum price 47.68, minimum 38.39. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 42.15. At the end 44.15 dollars, change for April 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for May 2026.
The forecast for beginning 44.15 dollars. Maximum price 49.26, minimum 41.96. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 45.25. At the end 45.61 dollars, change for May 3.3%.
SoFi stock price forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for beginning 45.61 dollars. Maximum price 49.90, minimum 42.50. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 46.05. At the end 46.20 dollars, change for June 1.3%.
SoFi stock prediction for July 2026.
The forecast for beginning 46.20 dollars. Maximum price 46.20, minimum 38.64. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 43.26. At the end 42.00 dollars, change for July -9.1%.
SoFi stock price forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for beginning 42.00 dollars. Maximum price 42.00, minimum 32.84. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 38.14. At the end 35.70 dollars, change for August -15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for September 2026.
The forecast for beginning 35.70 dollars. Maximum price 44.34, minimum 35.70. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 39.20. At the end 41.06 dollars, change for September 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for beginning 41.06 dollars. Maximum price 45.21, minimum 38.51. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 41.66. At the end 41.86 dollars, change for October 1.9%.
SoFi stock prediction for November 2026.
The forecast for beginning 41.86 dollars. Maximum price 47.11, minimum 40.13. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 43.18. At the end 43.62 dollars, change for November 4.2%.
SoFi stock price forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for beginning 43.62 dollars. Maximum price 48.34, minimum 41.18. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 44.48. At the end 44.76 dollars, change for December 2.6%.
SoFi stock prediction for January 2027.
The forecast for beginning 44.76 dollars. Maximum price 47.78, minimum 40.70. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 44.37. At the end 44.24 dollars, change for January -1.2%.
SoFi stock price forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for beginning 44.24 dollars. Maximum price 49.57, minimum 42.23. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 45.49. At the end 45.90 dollars, change for February 3.8%.
SoFi stock prediction for March 2027.
The forecast for beginning 45.90 dollars. Maximum price 54.86, minimum 45.90. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 49.37. At the end 50.80 dollars, change for March 10.7%.
SoFi stock price forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for beginning 50.80 dollars. Maximum price 50.80, minimum 39.73. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 46.13. At the end 43.18 dollars, change for April -15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for May 2027.
SoFi stock price forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for beginning 44.25 dollars. Maximum price 44.85, minimum 38.21. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 42.21. At the end 41.53 dollars, change for June -6.1%.
SoFi stock prediction for July 2027.
The forecast for beginning 41.53 dollars. Maximum price 51.58, minimum 41.53. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 45.60. At the end 47.76 dollars, change for July 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for beginning 47.76 dollars. Maximum price 59.31, minimum 47.76. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 52.44. At the end 54.92 dollars, change for August 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for September 2027.
The forecast for beginning 54.92 dollars. Maximum price 56.65, minimum 48.25. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 53.07. At the end 52.45 dollars, change for September -4.5%.
SoFi stock price forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for beginning 52.45 dollars. Maximum price 65.15, minimum 52.45. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 57.59. At the end 60.32 dollars, change for October 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for November 2027.
The forecast for beginning 60.32 dollars. Maximum price 65.10, minimum 55.46. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 60.29. At the end 60.28 dollars, change for November -0.1%.
SoFi stock price forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for beginning 60.28 dollars. Maximum price 64.92, minimum 55.30. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 60.15. At the end 60.11 dollars, change for December -0.3%.
SoFi stock prediction for January 2028.
The forecast for beginning 60.11 dollars. Maximum price 62.22, minimum 53.00. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 58.24. At the end 57.61 dollars, change for January -4.2%.
SoFi stock price forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for beginning 57.61 dollars. Maximum price 57.61, minimum 45.05. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 52.31. At the end 48.97 dollars, change for February -15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for March 2028.
The forecast for beginning 48.97 dollars. Maximum price 60.83, minimum 48.97. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 53.77. At the end 56.32 dollars, change for March 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for beginning 56.32 dollars. Maximum price 56.32, minimum 44.04. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 51.14. At the end 47.87 dollars, change for April -15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for May 2028.
The forecast for beginning 47.87 dollars. Maximum price 59.45, minimum 47.87. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 52.56. At the end 55.05 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for beginning 55.05 dollars. Maximum price 61.42, minimum 52.32. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 56.42. At the end 56.87 dollars, change for June 3.3%.
SoFi stock prediction for July 2028.
The forecast for beginning 56.87 dollars. Maximum price 58.27, minimum 49.63. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 54.68. At the end 53.95 dollars, change for July -5.1%.
SoFi stock price forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for beginning 53.95 dollars. Maximum price 53.95, minimum 45.12. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 50.52. At the end 49.04 dollars, change for August -9.1%.
SoFi stock prediction for September 2028.
The forecast for beginning 49.04 dollars. Maximum price 49.04, minimum 38.35. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 44.53. At the end 41.68 dollars, change for September -15.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for beginning 41.68 dollars. Maximum price 51.76, minimum 41.68. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 45.76. At the end 47.93 dollars, change for October 15.0%.
SoFi stock prediction for November 2028.
The forecast for beginning 47.93 dollars. Maximum price 52.78, minimum 44.96. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 48.64. At the end 48.87 dollars, change for November 2.0%.
SoFi stock price forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for beginning 48.87 dollars. Maximum price 54.99, minimum 46.85. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 50.41. At the end 50.92 dollars, change for December 4.2%.
SoFi stock prediction for January 2029.
The forecast for beginning 50.92 dollars. Maximum price 56.43, minimum 48.07. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 51.92. At the end 52.25 dollars, change for January 2.6%.
SoFi stock price forecast for February 2029.
The forecast for beginning 52.25 dollars. Maximum price 55.77, minimum 47.51. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 51.79. At the end 51.64 dollars, change for February -1.2%.
SoFi stock prediction for March 2029.
The forecast for beginning 51.64 dollars. Maximum price 57.87, minimum 49.29. Averaged SoFi stock price for the month 53.10. At the end 53.58 dollars, change for March 3.8%.