Uber stock closed at 79.42 dollars the previous day.
Uber Share Price Prediction For Next Months and Years
Uber stock price forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for beginning 66.85 dollars. Maximum price 100.30, minimum 63.50. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 80.88. At the end 92.87 dollars, change for February 38.9%.
Uber stock prediction for March 2025.
The forecast for beginning 92.87 dollars. Maximum price 115.34, minimum 81.17. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 99.05. At the end 106.80 dollars, change for March 15.0%.
Uber stock price forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for beginning 106.80 dollars. Maximum price 127.83, minimum 106.80. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 114.95. At the end 118.36 dollars, change for April 10.8%.
Uber Stock Prediction For 2025, 2026 And 2027
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2025 | ||||
Feb | 66.85 | 63.50-100.30 | 92.87 | 38.9% |
Mar | 92.87 | 81.17-115.34 | 106.80 | 59.8% |
Apr | 106.80 | 106.80-127.83 | 118.36 | 77.1% |
May | 118.36 | 92.56-118.36 | 100.61 | 50.5% |
Jun | 100.61 | 90.93-106.75 | 98.84 | 47.9% |
Jul | 98.84 | 91.25-107.11 | 99.18 | 48.4% |
Aug | 99.18 | 92.68-108.80 | 100.74 | 50.7% |
Sep | 100.74 | 100.74-125.12 | 115.85 | 73.3% |
Oct | 115.85 | 108.87-127.81 | 118.34 | 77.0% |
Nov | 118.34 | 110.17-129.33 | 119.75 | 79.1% |
Dec | 119.75 | 113.27-132.97 | 123.12 | 84.2% |
2026 | ||||
Jan | 123.12 | 114.89-134.87 | 124.88 | 86.8% |
Feb | 124.88 | 124.88-155.10 | 143.61 | 115% |
Mar | 143.61 | 143.20-168.10 | 155.65 | 133% |
Apr | 155.65 | 153.73-180.47 | 167.10 | 150% |
May | 167.10 | 167.10-207.54 | 192.17 | 188% |
Jun | 192.17 | 178.88-209.98 | 194.43 | 191% |
Jul | 194.43 | 174.88-205.30 | 190.09 | 184% |
Aug | 190.09 | 176.35-207.01 | 191.68 | 187% |
Sep | 191.68 | 190.56-223.70 | 207.13 | 210% |
Oct | 207.13 | 200.70-235.60 | 218.15 | 226% |
Nov | 218.15 | 209.23-245.61 | 227.42 | 240% |
Dec | 227.42 | 214.68-252.02 | 233.35 | 249% |
2027 | ||||
Jan | 233.35 | 212.30-249.22 | 230.76 | 245% |
Feb | 230.76 | 220.20-258.50 | 239.35 | 258% |
Uber Stock Price Prediction For 2028 And 2029
Month | Open | Low-High | Close | Total,% |
2027 Continuation | ||||
Mar | 239.35 | 239.35-286.32 | 265.11 | 297% |
Apr | 265.11 | 207.31-265.11 | 225.34 | 237% |
May | 225.34 | 225.34-269.71 | 249.73 | 274% |
Jun | 249.73 | 195.29-249.73 | 212.27 | 218% |
Jul | 212.27 | 191.85-225.21 | 208.53 | 212% |
Aug | 208.53 | 189.19-222.09 | 205.64 | 208% |
Sep | 205.64 | 192.16-225.58 | 208.87 | 212% |
Oct | 208.87 | 208.87-259.42 | 240.20 | 259% |
Nov | 240.20 | 202.02-240.20 | 219.59 | 229% |
Dec | 219.59 | 192.40-225.86 | 209.13 | 213% |
2028 | ||||
Jan | 209.13 | 170.72-209.13 | 185.56 | 178% |
Feb | 185.56 | 160.96-188.96 | 174.96 | 162% |
Mar | 174.96 | 174.96-217.30 | 201.20 | 201% |
Apr | 201.20 | 200.62-235.50 | 218.06 | 226% |
May | 218.06 | 215.38-252.84 | 234.11 | 250% |
Jun | 234.11 | 234.11-290.77 | 269.23 | 303% |
Jul | 269.23 | 236.06-277.12 | 256.59 | 284% |
Aug | 256.59 | 230.79-270.93 | 250.86 | 275% |
Sep | 250.86 | 232.72-273.20 | 252.96 | 278% |
Oct | 252.96 | 251.48-295.22 | 273.35 | 309% |
Nov | 273.35 | 264.86-310.92 | 287.89 | 331% |
Dec | 287.89 | 276.11-324.13 | 300.12 | 349% |
2029 | ||||
Jan | 300.12 | 283.31-332.59 | 307.95 | 361% |
Feb | 307.95 | 280.17-328.89 | 304.53 | 356% |
Uber stock prediction for May 2025.
The forecast for beginning 118.36 dollars. Maximum price 118.36, minimum 92.56. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 107.47. At the end 100.61 dollars, change for May -15.0%.
Uber stock price forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for beginning 100.61 dollars. Maximum price 106.75, minimum 90.93. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 99.28. At the end 98.84 dollars, change for June -1.8%.
Uber stock prediction for July 2025.
The forecast for beginning 98.84 dollars. Maximum price 107.11, minimum 91.25. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 99.10. At the end 99.18 dollars, change for July 0.3%.
Uber stock price forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for beginning 99.18 dollars. Maximum price 108.80, minimum 92.68. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 100.35. At the end 100.74 dollars, change for August 1.6%.
Uber stock prediction for September 2025.
The forecast for beginning 100.74 dollars. Maximum price 125.12, minimum 100.74. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 110.61. At the end 115.85 dollars, change for September 15.0%.
Uber stock price forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for beginning 115.85 dollars. Maximum price 127.81, minimum 108.87. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 117.72. At the end 118.34 dollars, change for October 2.1%.
Uber stock prediction for November 2025.
The forecast for beginning 118.34 dollars. Maximum price 129.33, minimum 110.17. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 119.40. At the end 119.75 dollars, change for November 1.2%.
Uber stock price forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for beginning 119.75 dollars. Maximum price 132.97, minimum 113.27. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 122.28. At the end 123.12 dollars, change for December 2.8%.
Uber stock prediction for January 2026.
The forecast for beginning 123.12 dollars. Maximum price 134.87, minimum 114.89. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 124.44. At the end 124.88 dollars, change for January 1.4%.
Uber stock price forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for beginning 124.88 dollars. Maximum price 155.10, minimum 124.88. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 137.12. At the end 143.61 dollars, change for February 15.0%.
Uber stock prediction for March 2026.
The forecast for beginning 143.61 dollars. Maximum price 168.10, minimum 143.20. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 152.64. At the end 155.65 dollars, change for March 8.4%.
Uber stock price forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for beginning 155.65 dollars. Maximum price 180.47, minimum 153.73. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 164.24. At the end 167.10 dollars, change for April 7.4%.
Uber stock prediction for May 2026.
The forecast for beginning 167.10 dollars. Maximum price 207.54, minimum 167.10. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 183.48. At the end 192.17 dollars, change for May 15.0%.
Uber stock price forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for beginning 192.17 dollars. Maximum price 209.98, minimum 178.88. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 193.87. At the end 194.43 dollars, change for June 1.2%.
Uber stock prediction for July 2026.
The forecast for beginning 194.43 dollars. Maximum price 205.30, minimum 174.88. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 191.18. At the end 190.09 dollars, change for July -2.2%.
Uber stock price forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for beginning 190.09 dollars. Maximum price 207.01, minimum 176.35. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 191.28. At the end 191.68 dollars, change for August 0.8%.
Uber stock prediction for September 2026.
The forecast for beginning 191.68 dollars. Maximum price 223.70, minimum 190.56. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 203.27. At the end 207.13 dollars, change for September 8.1%.
Uber stock price forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for beginning 207.13 dollars. Maximum price 235.60, minimum 200.70. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 215.40. At the end 218.15 dollars, change for October 5.3%.
Uber stock prediction for November 2026.
The forecast for beginning 218.15 dollars. Maximum price 245.61, minimum 209.23. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 225.10. At the end 227.42 dollars, change for November 4.2%.
Uber stock price forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for beginning 227.42 dollars. Maximum price 252.02, minimum 214.68. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 231.87. At the end 233.35 dollars, change for December 2.6%.
Uber stock prediction for January 2027.
The forecast for beginning 233.35 dollars. Maximum price 249.22, minimum 212.30. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 231.41. At the end 230.76 dollars, change for January -1.1%.
Uber stock price forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for beginning 230.76 dollars. Maximum price 258.50, minimum 220.20. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 237.20. At the end 239.35 dollars, change for February 3.7%.
Uber stock prediction for March 2027.
The forecast for beginning 239.35 dollars. Maximum price 286.32, minimum 239.35. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 257.53. At the end 265.11 dollars, change for March 10.8%.
Uber stock price forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for beginning 265.11 dollars. Maximum price 265.11, minimum 207.31. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 240.72. At the end 225.34 dollars, change for April -15.0%.
Uber stock prediction for May 2027.
The forecast for beginning 225.34 dollars. Maximum price 269.71, minimum 225.34. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 242.53. At the end 249.73 dollars, change for May 10.8%.
Uber stock price forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for beginning 249.73 dollars. Maximum price 249.73, minimum 195.29. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 226.76. At the end 212.27 dollars, change for June -15.0%.
Uber stock prediction for July 2027.
The forecast for beginning 212.27 dollars. Maximum price 225.21, minimum 191.85. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 209.47. At the end 208.53 dollars, change for July -1.8%.
Uber stock price forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for beginning 208.53 dollars. Maximum price 222.09, minimum 189.19. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 206.36. At the end 205.64 dollars, change for August -1.4%.
Uber stock prediction for September 2027.
The forecast for beginning 205.64 dollars. Maximum price 225.58, minimum 192.16. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 208.06. At the end 208.87 dollars, change for September 1.6%.
Uber stock price forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for beginning 208.87 dollars. Maximum price 259.42, minimum 208.87. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 229.34. At the end 240.20 dollars, change for October 15.0%.
Uber stock prediction for November 2027.
The forecast for beginning 240.20 dollars. Maximum price 240.20, minimum 202.02. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 225.50. At the end 219.59 dollars, change for November -8.6%.
Uber stock price forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for beginning 219.59 dollars. Maximum price 225.86, minimum 192.40. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 211.75. At the end 209.13 dollars, change for December -4.8%.
Uber stock prediction for January 2028.
The forecast for beginning 209.13 dollars. Maximum price 209.13, minimum 170.72. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 193.64. At the end 185.56 dollars, change for January -11.3%.
Uber stock price forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for beginning 185.56 dollars. Maximum price 188.96, minimum 160.96. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 177.61. At the end 174.96 dollars, change for February -5.7%.
Uber stock prediction for March 2028.
The forecast for beginning 174.96 dollars. Maximum price 217.30, minimum 174.96. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 192.11. At the end 201.20 dollars, change for March 15.0%.
Uber stock price forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for beginning 201.20 dollars. Maximum price 235.50, minimum 200.62. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 213.85. At the end 218.06 dollars, change for April 8.4%.
Uber stock prediction for May 2028.
The forecast for beginning 218.06 dollars. Maximum price 252.84, minimum 215.38. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 230.10. At the end 234.11 dollars, change for May 7.4%.
Uber stock price forecast for June 2028.
The forecast for beginning 234.11 dollars. Maximum price 290.77, minimum 234.11. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 257.06. At the end 269.23 dollars, change for June 15.0%.
Uber stock prediction for July 2028.
The forecast for beginning 269.23 dollars. Maximum price 277.12, minimum 236.06. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 259.75. At the end 256.59 dollars, change for July -4.7%.
Uber stock price forecast for August 2028.
The forecast for beginning 256.59 dollars. Maximum price 270.93, minimum 230.79. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 252.29. At the end 250.86 dollars, change for August -2.2%.
Uber stock prediction for September 2028.
The forecast for beginning 250.86 dollars. Maximum price 273.20, minimum 232.72. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 252.44. At the end 252.96 dollars, change for September 0.8%.
Uber stock price forecast for October 2028.
The forecast for beginning 252.96 dollars. Maximum price 295.22, minimum 251.48. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 268.25. At the end 273.35 dollars, change for October 8.1%.
Uber stock prediction for November 2028.
The forecast for beginning 273.35 dollars. Maximum price 310.92, minimum 264.86. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 284.26. At the end 287.89 dollars, change for November 5.3%.
Uber stock price forecast for December 2028.
The forecast for beginning 287.89 dollars. Maximum price 324.13, minimum 276.11. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 297.06. At the end 300.12 dollars, change for December 4.2%.
Uber stock prediction for January 2029.
The forecast for beginning 300.12 dollars. Maximum price 332.59, minimum 283.31. Averaged Uber stock price for the month 305.99. At the end 307.95 dollars, change for January 2.6%.